woensdag 20 juni 2012

Touched by a legion of Angels.....

Cite-you-at-i-on critic-all
inner and outer realities mishmash
one and six billion other ones is one,
coming together, end has started
middle still undone

A rush of the photon-belt
has made it's appearance
to make me's aware
of that who I's am
of that what I's am
a decision, an initiative

to be's MYSELF...

The ROMANtically conceptualised idea of "Society"
has been manufactured by a group of humans
with the precept to milk the cow for what it's worth
with lies, deceit, killing, rape, theft, abuse and pure outright EVOLness 
forgetting all about the all Holy cow we live on, in, through, by, and forever
as SHE is the prime reason AND cause for our existence

Our grand nurturer
supplystar of our breath of life
feedstar of our daily bread
supportrix of our Holy temples
and the most dearly beloved

God is...

As this fact applies to all
there is simply no reason
for war, hate, jealousy, famine,
greed and more of that sort

In lak'ech, that's a way of saying
I am another you and you
are another me, we've made it
as we've come through hell in old shoes

let us walk the rest of the way
with our feet bare naked...
Isn't the skin of our Mother
soft and warm to the touch?

We are soon to reap the fruits
of our arduous labour and tapasja
as we water Adi purusham the main Root
and learn to humble and silence our Ego's rampage

I could now speak of the words I hear
that Jael Shaddai supplies me with
all of it given by the good Spirit
or Holy Ghost same diff.

Still I will not do so yet
for all of this is already spoken
and there are more than enough entries in here 
to have the attentive reader / listener be awoken.

Not that anyone was sleeping,
I see it more like a very vivid dream
one from which I n you were eager to leave
though nothing I or you did could help one single bit (or so it seemed)

Never was there a time that I did something wrong
for always had it been a learning curve coming on
so many different wordless vibrations to choose from
and so little means to translate this Heart of one

Silence is my teacher, and wisdom she supplies
Many why's have since disappeared
as Truth from within God Realised
by the all pervasive, all present I n I.


This last thing is the best part of this entire first entry...
It is the part where you are everywhere and where 
the I AM of us, enters every ME.
It is the origin from all of the above
it is the all present silence
the sound of TRUE LOVE

