maandag 20 mei 2013

Being a God's One There (G.O.T.)

Seeing the
new generation
Picking up speed
finding their Angel wings
finding much more Patience
for this insignificant little things
that used to bother me a lot
when I was younger

I See the
new generation
finding True Gifts
that are hidden in
all of our consciousness

so this here is to just remind you
of the TRUTHUMANITY that's becoming one

Humanity is preparing to Fly like a Butterfly,
after being Stung by a BEE Divine,
with a sting of Soul felt I AM-ness
that brings with it a total new way
of life,

The Divine rings Truth on every plane of existence,
as this virtuous venom enters into our mundane living and
embellishes all of our "modern" of ways of thinking, renewing
the entire perception that we have on an (individual) I, which gifts
peace of mind, peace of Heart and parts us from the ways of old,
so that we may once again rejoin with the lost part of Goddess Golden Whole

inside that we Art
With a quick left and a mean right,
this boxing match thrives on Divine will in sight,
Sol in due to the course of the Great Works inner Life
We'll all bring in more Light and Love of Goddess Soul
so that we may see that we are beings helped from Within
to become a True Gods one-there to sing a new song of Sol, ..

I n I press Fast Forward, Rewind and Replay
our Ancestral records on a Goddess Gramophone

the Golden Age
brings forth a baseline
that drums us all home..

from being needle stuck
in the same ol' same ol' groove
for a very very very very very long time...


<3 With an Abundance of Love, Isurajael
When feeling
into the soothing Silence
I can hear the Music of God
as a Symphony playing for I
AM right here,

God a front row seat,
in the Theatre of this
caterpillar show...
See the munch-frenzy is almost over,
just some dark-matter cookies left
and some E.T. Gingerbread-man,
done baking cookies

Many Be-leaves already digested
and mani-festing Heaven as we see
the Light lives on beyond the concept of death
I n I Transform in g
the Pupa Supa Dupa Fly

Whilst the other part
of the Hero in question,
is done spinning the Chrysalis
and about ready to spring free
from the self-fabricated emprisonment,
by realizing that the perception that is the cause of its captivity

For when the wings meet day Light
and dry in the sun,
I n I will be ready 
to live those 

and Be 
a God's 
and be a Gods-One-There...

zaterdag 4 mei 2013


Dear Love,
If and Whenever You are done Flying of,
Please know that right here, in My Heart,
Will always be a safe place for You to Be, Land and Love


Yes Love
You're a Divine Gift from God
Freely Available to all those that are
open minded for Goddess MinDNA-Touch of Golden Hush


Sol Love
Enlightens all Sparks of God,
Too His Tabernacle is in You and Me,
and in the I of Us, seen by the eYe of Love and experienced through Breath


Yes Love
We will soon be won
In this ratrace of modern caveman wheels
We’ll fly our way into the Hearts of those Angel-eyed-wings that art ready to be met


By Love
Yes Love, is free for all
No price tags or inflations of “cost”
when unconditional, it is a True Vehicle to Experience the God Within all of us


Tell me, is it CRISIS OR KRIST-IS?
Well, eYe see that one is forced from outside
whilst the other is freely blossoming indoors in Light


I mean, what if
All of our “problems” are merely due to our insufficient knowledge of Consciousness
Let’s Lighten up, and Become Creative Sparks in The Fire of KRIST'S Undying Love

________on and on
________until YOU open up ;)