maandag 10 maart 2014

The Essene Sense of Living

~ Let go ~
... to regain control

~ Love flows ~
...from start to goal

Than know
You and Me
back on the road
open up
the Love...the Heart of Gold

Be patient
count the zero in full
Anticipate it
  sound that inner re-bell and gonggg ~~
No hating
accept this won
hear now and grow
that part of me 
which appeals 
in Love
  in You...

Real eyes that 
the True essence of waiting
has re-created 
us all
To be able 
to Shine and Blossom 
we all have to laugh, lighten up and joke

Become a fool
tarot your way through
Raider-Waite for the storm to blow over
a Rider that waits, assures each moment anew
Set foot into the cliff not knowing if
the footing will push on through
Yes, Patience is 
Gods greatest gift
the truest virtue
and creator of diamonds
from something as dark as a carbon stone
Patience created dirt
so now it's Your turn
to Return and Renew
in Silence
to Gold

Get up and arise from the ash
of our Phoenixal-Angelic-Human mishmash 
 Shine Your Truest Ess-sense, effortlessly through
any dark limitations that may confine the mind or Spirit of You
Yes, yes.. YES...
without further ado, press that reset button within You
and embrace the dark, come face to face 
with Your shard of our Divine whole
and erase all that withholds You 
from regenerating and venerating
that indestructible spark of God 
that lives within us all