woensdag 20 augustus 2014

We are Lightbeings, Soul Be Light..


Best to get clever
no one ever said
never is forever

Soul shine
who'd deny I that
I know Goddess supply
will make any sane I endeavour
to embrace our destiny as human beings
which is to Heavenize our world in peace for the better

I don't try
see, doing is
way way better
what's the matter
is there no more light left

See God's Sun
in the Sky and
how He interacts
does HE deny anyone
His presence, is that a matter of fact?


So why would we
Children of Mom
Offspring from Sun
Starbrothers and sisters
shun anyone or deny them love

This is the a spiritual letter
brought forth by the living word
in our heart is where God art
let's make that fire spark
and have I n I be heard

Open up for the force
of unconditional love 
Aleph Beth Gimel Daleth
Master houses bridging doors


Loved by the Beloved

<3 Jael ©