maandag 27 oktober 2014

From sheep to sshhh...

Being sheep
means to uphold the status quo of  "pathological normality,"
or in other words: an excessive desire to adapt oneself to a group,
even if it is sect-like, exaggerated militarism, a follow-the-leader attitude,
or the compulsive desire to give in to general opinion to belong no matter the cost.

anyone see some greener grass growing
in that inner garden of unconditional love?

Come on in and let's paint that inner sanctum
not just black and white or different shades of grey...
choose purple, pink, yellow, green or any other colour
so to recreate that day we face, with a lot more Joie de vivre

A lot more joy is found when one creatively dissolves all "wrongs"
at the speed of sound, which is quicker than light
since God had to speak creation into being
"Let there be sun!" and so now am eye
seizing the moment to get inside
closer to the most true I of I n I
and pass the gates of release
to finally find some closure
with the supposed opposer

May I piece this puzzle back
into the black whole of the universe
be silent you greedy violator, never were we in lack
we just forgot all about Her, so show some respect...

EA the rising star of our Hearts
the inner star of our habitable planet
there, peace is found, through the all pervading

K Now all to do
is to follow the Heart
and see how one can never ever be lost again...

Blessings to all
patience in abundance
