dinsdag 18 november 2014

"Tower of succes is build on the pillar of faillure"

I made it through another day
clear as night, winning the fight of bad ways...

Now this day has passed
I will finally gain the upper hand, at last..

No more demons to fight
that prospect has now past

All I have to do
is LOVE at all costs !!!

So now
I start by a small vow

That every day will be my prayer
which cleanses my mind and Heart of bad vritti's
so I can serve the Highest, with all that I may contain..


maandag 17 november 2014

Beth-man walking...

With tears in my Eye
I continue on this narrow road...

One day I'll fly
and release all the dross....

That day
already passes me by
A LOT in fact, that's why I cry....

When will we see the True Life
When will we live the True Light?

Patience my dear...
all is here, all is inside....

Just Hear


With wingless wings
and effortless effort,

Namasté Mom
Many Blessings of I n I

<3 Jael

vrijdag 7 november 2014

The eye that sees...

We've been taught that we know the body
we named, tagged and labelled it extensively
yet now, in 2014, how much do we really see?

Nature operates out of it's own?
It's all a fluke? a CO-incidence?
So who's the silent partner?

to find that out
I need not speak or announce
any verbs, lines, rhymes or sounds
since Goddess it all perfectly drawn out..

Yes, all we have to do
is acknowledge and serve our humanity
by stepping up to the plate mentally
and support our collective faith
by releasing us from this insanity

So let's begin by seeing with the heart
and to do that, it'll all come down to this

"Let thyne eye be single"

Over the moon...

Love, Light and Peace...

it all runs in the family...

so let us grow some more of it...

<3 Jael