woensdag 30 december 2015

I AM the Love Within

Love is not some intangible feeling...
Love is our very reason of being...

Love is not some fashion statement
Love is the only thing that is...

Love is Truth
though not yet 'with' you
I am always right there WITHIN you...

 Blessings to the Pure of Heart... Go(o)d is there for you... Always...

woensdag 23 december 2015

Rose from the ashes...

Though my love may burn, it never dies
my heart holds the Kingdom within
thus... I listen closely
to have I n I provide

My roses have no thorns anymore
I'm reduced to ashes, by my false ego's actions
so please don't be hurt if I still sting
it's just a phantom pain your feeling
we are all at home already...
we just have to believe it

This burn
was all so I could learn
not to play with those matches...


<3 Jah Love Forever