donderdag 8 september 2016

Homecoming of Love

Blessed Beloved 
Hear I AM...

Living to Love
Longing to live 
With You, I die to self.

I n I 
One Love 
Peace Eternal 
Heaven on Earth is right here 
A Divine Place in our consciousness 
Supremely orchestrated in the infinite NOW

I surrender to You my Love 
Devour me with Your light
Eye have nothing left to sin
I have nothing left to I 

I am Yours Forever more
As our Dance commences 
Holy waters rush to shore
Love is all that Blesses us
You are my burning core
Of Love in all that has us

You are my One
You are my answer...


❤️ Carlo Jah El Shaddai ❤️


maandag 5 september 2016

Holy Presents

I don't own anything 
I'm a borrower 
in the process 
of letting it all go 

All I have is now 
and it inevitably
slips away

the I AM is not mine...

I have borrowed it
from the Divine 

Time to shine 

Blessed fruit

I n I 

Jah El Shaddai ❤️