maandag 17 oktober 2016

Thy Peace Reigns

Take it all 
my dear Lord
what on Earth can serve me 
if not connected to Your grace?

Take it all 
my sweet Lord 
what across the seven seas 
can function as guidance to me 
if not directed by Your Divine Will?

Take it all 
my Beloved Lord 
I'll have no more of Dad
only if it serves Your best interest 
will worldly things make me glad 

I am Yours 
my Lord 
take it all
take it away

I am now
wholly wed
in Your Mary Age 
of Khrist within me

The cross I bare 
inspires me to write 
with digital ink to spare
one Holy moment of Your light 

Soul Blessed I am 
that You've got my back 
You are my One and only Desire 
so please take it all from me 
all that I foolishly claim mine 

I am Yours my Lord 
please fill me up 
I give room 
for Your light 

I'm ready to let Your I 
be the only one 
to shine

I AM Thine
Peace on Earth NOW 
Inshallah in Shalom 
So mote it be 
