woensdag 16 november 2016

The normalization of evil

The media shows us terror all day 
"send in the troops, drop the bombs"
politicians just love a boogyman to hate
it gives them reasons to sell and buy arms

Diseases are being treated not cured 
pills are the pinnacle of our civilisation
self healing suppressed by lack of self-worth
man forgets to be their ancient mind's patient

All life on Earth is interconnected, -related
"spin racism to divide the one race that is"
this time we live in is for what we've waited 
"more bread and games to waste time in the mist"

Stop pollution, an end to global warming!!
"call: 555-WE-LIE-2U-AND-DONT-CARE"
independent search for truth sequestered 

We live in a democracy, how great this is 
"within the illusion of choice, money rules"
 all of us humans are living in total freedom 
"Big-Brother's allowance keeps us fooled"

We grow up, full of dreams to be like stars 
end up slaving away for a little bit of wage
we abhore evil, killing, maffia, rape and war
yet watch movies of that sort to be entertained  

We're all against secret proceedings 
like JFK told us so well in his speech 
yet when some speak up about this 
they are labeled conspiracy-theorists

Most who oppose the status quo 
are dealt with as quick as possible 
is it not with ridicule of the crowd 
a government bullet will do the trick

Being religious, I go to God and pray 
yet it is considered gullible to believe 
what kind of world do we live in today 
it's all about choice, get informed or be deceived 

My great example shows 
me to pick up my cross 
no matter how great 
the suffering, limits or cost

Yes I follow the way 
too narrow to get lost
dying to self every day 
knowing very well Who's Boss