maandag 22 oktober 2018

Yearning Ends Slowly

Her actions will show it 
her words are unspoken 
why search for meaning 
when reason is flowing

Love can not be conquered 
not even tamed or contained 
starlight needs darkness to shine 
have you ever truly wondered why 
we all seem to crave for the same?

Making it nearly impossible to be found 
when we deny those sides to life and love
that make all things possible right now 
like light and dark, silence and sound 

And the funny thing is 
All is already stupendously close 
for all we need to do is surrender 
to the One that is, our internal glow

Some call it life 
some call it Soul 
others call it I 
I call it Love 

woensdag 29 augustus 2018

Heaven Enters Aligning Rooted Trust

A heart overflowing 
with an undying Love 
seeks to be known
beyond just God 

Wordless meanings 
convey deeper truths 
beyond cause agreeing 
to the Love within you 

I am that what I seek 
stillness wondering about 
till the Divine Eye takes a peek 
beyond the enclosing curtain of Sound 

I bathe in I Light 
I swim through I Love 
as sure as the Divine resides
within the Heart, fated in trust