donderdag 11 april 2019

Re Integrate Sacred Eden Now

Here I thought it was I 
who was forgotten 
as it turns out it was I 
who forgot You  
here I thought it was I 
who was last downtrodden 
and then again I see 
it is all about You  

You have given me the power 
to rise again in the morning 
You came to me at that final hour 
when I was so lost in sin 

Here I wonder how 
I will ever get close 
to You again
and then I remember 
I just have to learn 
to count the 10

all the blessings 
have already been 
bestowed upon me 
I just have to nurture them 
within the garden of my heart 
where You so planted them as a seed 

Time to rid all the weeds 
out of that Sacred place 
time to be with me like Christ 
who is inside of I giving rise 
to the humangelic Grace

vrijdag 29 maart 2019

Acknowledge Realign Unify Multiply

Uncharted territory 
in your heart and me 
awaits discovery 
of what's undeniably 
hidden in plain sight 
so why don't we see?

The heart of life 
beating within I 
is a sure thing
until we be died
in colors so grim 
that our Soul alights
This mortal coil 
imprisons the why 
in a vessel born of soil 
so we forget how to fly 
being grounded by foils 
we start believing the lie 

Alas.. we've lost the 'who' of Soul 
which bears the Love that am I 
yes that one all encompassing goal 
that spirits us away on wingless flights
as we unwear these clothes of fleshy coal
to be arum once more, so subtly, so light 

There there... Come now, enter 
let us realize and remember 
the genuine garden tender 
so we can again arise
from faulty masters 
slanderous lies 

To Love and be Loved 
the Blessed origin of all 
is such a pure sure thing 
a wilderness' voiceless call 
I can hear my DNA vividly sing:
"to be truly alive one first has to fall..."

That is why I venture 
to look beyond maps 
embracing the advent
you're currently on and 
in so doing fully reinvent 
the lost re-finetuning of man

Thank you Enki
thank you Ninmah
thank you wise ones 
who from "Heaven" to Earth came 
your laborious work here is now done 
it is our time to be on top of the game 

So say Adama, so say Titi
so say the seed that sows Peace 
praise the Lord, all-powerful and knowing 

how to set humanity free 
from the tethers of mental-atrophy