zondag 14 juni 2020

Speak to Grow up

I'm building a cocoon 
enveloped by resistance 
the free world is hostile 
towards free opinions 
media says it does not serve 
yet to stifle and grow silent 
should not be the goal 
of any sane society 

The real purpose of life 
is to grow and thrive 
regardless of shit
that is dumped 
as a matter of fact 
it is through shit 
that plants grow 
healthily in the Sun  

That's why I now wait 
in the darkness of myself
eagerly seeking out debate 
to finally break out my shell 

Here I will meet my true light 
my real essence of being 
grown out of dark matter 
butterfly effect 
of free thinking 

zondag 12 april 2020

Heart of Gold

With a heart so big 
how could I ever entrust it to anyone 
seems like all I do is wallow and weep
when there is nothing to be sad about at all 

I am love as you can see 
so how would I ever forget it
the giving gift that keeps on giving 
must be lost to our naked eye to have wept it 

This simple truth is so great 
that we fail to oversee
the one thing eye got to give 
living so deeply in sights unseen 

Will it break when I expose it 
will it shatter when I let it go 
who can help me, who knows it 
I am riddled with fears so lonely 

It is so easy to love 
yet so hard to fully be 
Patience goes hand in glove 
with this blissfilled inner sea

Like a breath so existential
like a glance so mundane 
this love is interdimensional 
how could I ever contain it 

Better let it run freely 
and saturate the Universe wholly just
this is the purpose of my seed
a worthful spec of Godly stardust 

zondag 26 januari 2020

A Kiss

The whole day you're 
in the back of my mind
I'm doing my best 
not to give in
yet everywhere I look, 
it's you, I find

Was it for real or just a game? 
I wonder, what did you feel? 
I pray I felt the same.

To tell you the truth 
Ever since we first connected 
I've been seeing your face everywhere 
At first I thought it was just me imagining it 
But now that we've come close 
I can see in retrospect that it was true 

You are a most remarkable woman
and so to reach you, I will take my time
This is contrary to how I normally operate in love 
And so I pray wholeheartedly 
that this approach will bear fruit
to flower Divine

Pt 2.

I am not a musician like you
I don't read notes
I can barely keep a beat
But my instrument is my heart
and it spouts words 
like a fountain of youth
Gushing forth living waters
That want to be tasted by all
These inner workings 
give words a certain ring
So that my heart's destiny to love can't be stalled

You are going through a difficult time in life
And to that my offer still stands. 
In order to assist and aid you, 
you don't have to become my wife
You can also become a very close friend

That is not to say that I won't accept the day. 
That you might decide to become part of my life
I'm just being very politically correct
By keeping steady on the borderline
Between amorous love and a friendship Soul deep

Which it will be. Only God knows 
for we are notes in his song
And thus I surrender 
to His immeasurable sea
Where all ups and downs
Waves and ripples 
High tides and low tides 