zondag 12 april 2020

Heart of Gold

With a heart so big 
how could I ever entrust it to anyone 
seems like all I do is wallow and weep
when there is nothing to be sad about at all 

I am love as you can see 
so how would I ever forget it
the giving gift that keeps on giving 
must be lost to our naked eye to have wept it 

This simple truth is so great 
that we fail to oversee
the one thing eye got to give 
living so deeply in sights unseen 

Will it break when I expose it 
will it shatter when I let it go 
who can help me, who knows it 
I am riddled with fears so lonely 

It is so easy to love 
yet so hard to fully be 
Patience goes hand in glove 
with this blissfilled inner sea

Like a breath so existential
like a glance so mundane 
this love is interdimensional 
how could I ever contain it 

Better let it run freely 
and saturate the Universe wholly just
this is the purpose of my seed
a worthful spec of Godly stardust