zondag 8 februari 2015

To Love God, is to Love oneself...



No matter how important one's dream is
one has to learn to let it go, in order to give the mind and body rest
so that, again, each day, the petals of the Dream can slowly begin to unfold...

Goodnight my Dear friends...

Let TRUTH be told...

The Heart of God is Love
and it's Wisdom is found in Silence of Gold

I am in Love
and so I am with GOD
not more needed to explain...

Praise be GODDESS, as SHE helps me innerstand
the steps to take, on HER Heavenly road...

I am becoming more and more sane
in this insane world... By realising that the cure of the dis-ease
is to listen to the inner guidance, that Shines Soul Vibrant and Bold...

I love you Carlo
I love you Senseon
I love you Creation
I love you: L OF YOU

<3 Jael

dinsdag 3 februari 2015

Krishna, I love YOU

<3 Just heard this on my Ipod and it stuck...
these lyrics carry me far away to a place so closeby..
the HE-ART beats His Love in me Alive...
All I've is what You've given me

I am, as they say, but a ZERO
FOR ISiS only THEE WHO is making me a HERO
I grab YOUR rope and gladly ask 2B disciplined by YOUR stick
YOU must be having a real laugh, as I crack myself up by not listening..
Jaya Jaya Jaya Shri Shri Shri Krishna Bhagavan !!!

maandag 2 februari 2015

Inner help defines my barings...

You are not alone..
and you never will

I see you,
I applaud you
for thou art one
that goes beyond life's thrills...

my queen and star
you, are a DragonDove Wonder
and born to free those that make war...

This song I now sing
comes from my heart
and is meant to uplift you
as we both embrace the dark

Just a second it takes, to shift
I AM is in a lift, to rise beyond their sh#t

Thankh you my Dear Dear Friend
I pray all will be well and safe

No matter what superbowl
may pass another gravy..

Gravity is my Ball
and it's my only safe Haven <3

Heaven is in our hearts
Like the wings of our Angelic essence

Be Light
Be Loved

and trust all will be well