zondag 8 februari 2015

To Love God, is to Love oneself...



No matter how important one's dream is
one has to learn to let it go, in order to give the mind and body rest
so that, again, each day, the petals of the Dream can slowly begin to unfold...

Goodnight my Dear friends...

Let TRUTH be told...

The Heart of God is Love
and it's Wisdom is found in Silence of Gold

I am in Love
and so I am with GOD
not more needed to explain...

Praise be GODDESS, as SHE helps me innerstand
the steps to take, on HER Heavenly road...

I am becoming more and more sane
in this insane world... By realising that the cure of the dis-ease
is to listen to the inner guidance, that Shines Soul Vibrant and Bold...

I love you Carlo
I love you Senseon
I love you Creation
I love you: L OF YOU

<3 Jael

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