donderdag 14 januari 2016

My Original Mystery

A mother who I've forgotten all about
How could that happen, how?

Is it my tiny brain that has no room?
Or is it fate that I forgot about you?

Is it an ego issue from days long gone?
Or is it the slow setting of the Sun?

I have no clue
only debris and wreckage
is what I have brought to you

That's why I'm writing this down
for I am making long overdue amends

Dear Mother of my Heaven
please accept my humble request
please forgive me my belligerent ignorance
You must see and know my heart
for you just told me recently 
that you believe in me...

O how deeply you've touched me
I cried myself to sleep with those words
".... My Mother believes in me....." :'(
So why do I doubt myself so deeply?

I don't know... It's an inner thing
I just have to learn to trust I can sing...
Yes, a Divine song it is.... a dance
"just one foot in front of the other"
that's all it takes...

Soon I will be worthy of my crown
fully equipped with an ancient sense
I'll sing all throughout the ear deafening silence
with a song of truth that delivers the righteous

This I hold on to
this I now know

For I am ready
to be engaged in truth
and this time my faith is steady
'cause the light of love begins to shine through

Can I ever make it right?
Is there anything I can do?
When will I  start to see Her light?
When will I finally feel less blue?

As soon as I give up the fight
you are my guide in the dark
my only anchor in days so wild
the wind in my sails, the love in my heart

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