woensdag 29 augustus 2012

Open says a me.....

I right of passage this is
from here          .....          .....          .....          .....          .....          to there

da light filled message is
broadcast etherically
n nonstop ON AIR

                                                Well not at all
                                                                      I'm sure there are
                                     more Who are aware
It's RAY-DIOS...

                             Inside me?

                                               Yeah we R
                                                                all having a ball
                            punchline n sinker, as a
                                                                walk in the park to stroll

                     Soul reddy to make a stand
                                          when the curtains will finally fall...

                                                           This fat lady's already singing a prelude
                                                                                listen within n thou shalt hear her making an entrance 

          this is bis bis bis business
               n She means it well n Good, 
                      S Usual, She is it, N Through U all 
                           She (our mother) makes a proper Use of U All

S He ar so she is, heard
                          like a neverending Krist mass
that simply ends to be renewed    
                      We'll leave the womb pretty soon
this is a Birth of me and you, of me in you
                                                                                                                   of you
in me...

           In unison
                we R 2 express
                           in words or silent gestures
                                      that what WE inside is feeling
                                               for as our combined song has
                                                              a rock steady Soul to tune into
One part of a whole 
            that is Soul ready to dance
                          da music is rocking us 
                                           out of our slumbery sleep
                                                            and deeper into our consciously dreamt dream

            opening the inner eyes
                                  I n I in me is beginning
                                                       to see the fatal disguise
                                                                             and who is really winning

              The winners side
                             is the inner side 
                                       N We ALL HAVE IT

Soul... one more time
I aks U, are we havin'
the total awareness of it? 
for THIS truly IS HEAVEN
just 2B able 2 breathe is pure BLISS

our planet is gifted
with a sky S da limit
Da Kingdom to come into
is ryt hear within Me n You

Muse-ik is Da Fix for
when sung on Heavens accord
not ONE note is false or wrong
4 even Dead air is Silenced GOLD

Oh limping Chaos
May the Games begin !
What? haven't we started yet?
NO not at all, this is only the beginning....

        Hmm a beginning, ok, OF WHAT?
                                          Well that's for me to Pray, n for you to find out