maandag 13 augustus 2012

E~Goes in2 M-Brace

Guardian of the Doors of Israel

On the Threshold of my new Life
the False-Ego holds on strong
to it's Begotten image of I

Dead I is, Soul Ready to Fight
up in arms, Strong n prepared to Die
with Shield n Armour ready, its Teeth grind

"Gimme your best Shot!" it yells inside to I,
"U no I M All you god, Soul B prepared to lose D I..."
"Who R U besides this I D which "I" made 4 US 2 Survive?" 
"R U Soul ungratefilled that U Go to War with D 1 that is I?" 


"Know... not at all", I humbly reply
->          "It is U who is groping for straws, n preparing to Die"          <-
"End that while, this Soul integration is connecting dots that U left aside"
"I M U n U is I, WE R both 1, U R just da 1 that wields my Superficial side"


Than all of a sudden
Illumination in I n I
Thee's Intelligence shares
its Eternally Effulgent Light

Ryt there on the Spot
You spot the undotted I
Cross its unseen T and Release
little me from the Burden of false Pride


This makes Troubled little me
Innerstand n Forgive its endless strife
Realising the Real Lies in Dividing I n I
S it has all been a Battle of Bluff n obSOULete 

B! 'cause this is the Age of the Dawn
n S a nyouw Light has risen amidst the Dark
now old Gears are too rusty to make da New me C
or turn around S Ma I's have been jogged up another notch


One is Dead n One has a Life to live
Both R actually Dead on, for they've
always been One, interrelated n Atoning
the 4 gross Elements with the wot Subtler 5th

One has always been Soul n One is more accustomed to Spirit
One is desperately trying to maintain the body of mind
S the other One knows that it has too has its limits
  n that it is best to end that Battle n Forfeit...

To the One Most High n The Dearly Beloved of each Beingness of an I
end all of that, whilst everybody's will, including little insignificant me
Will need Thy Mercfilled Grace to even be able to Hear of any of it
 4 for da moment, chained to da Body, a Consciousness is...

"Master, Lord" (nātha) of the "World, Universe" (Jagata)

One is Dark, One is Light
n Both Together R, on the Tree of Life
One is Malkuth, Thee other's Close to Keter's High
n those Two gather to make da Lost inner Piece within last

I Callz it "The Sparc of The Covenant"
S This is Thee Light n Dark's Dance
Dad God embarked in I n I whence
the Soul at last shall have its rest
in Peace's the end within Oneness

I draws lines in the Sand
for DAD Peace B Neigh
my Dearest Friends

HEAR Mums the Word

Let's talk for a moment TWO n through I n I:

Our inner War has been fought for n reflected on our outside
so to open our Hearts Together in compassion as it
has its Morbid n Horror limit maxed out,
Ya Hear the Trumpets?

Yes this is a last inning,
for our Dear Mother 
will have no more of
the outright Ruthlessness
with which we've collectively
abused her with
our useless games
of deceit and lies

War on Terra or
War on Terror?
What a laugh...
Another one of those catchphrases to
Distract the Mind again some more, Love
is it that, an I has not had, enough of
your Garbage-Fastfood of Mind yet?

That you yet again shoot another string in this elaborate Web?
... .. ...
Bot wait, consciousness is beginning to see the Spider that's attached
separate n yet Together this Conscious nest is connecting the lines n YES
in so doing removing all its stickiness, S induced by the endless labelling 
of the eager designating sticker-function of Brain "What'd You expect?"

Via the inner net a most Fly fly rallies
all Flies up, so to go on one last Ride,
one last journey that will go en route,
on an Unconditional Loving Soul Highway, 
so to imbue n unify all flies into a Unifly,
crash-land it at dead-center n enter 
each n every single I, in a spell
n with a well...timed Kamikaze Flight!

This in turn will Result into a break-in of the Closed Hearted Ones
N Breaking the Heart of what the Spy-there'd webbed once n for all!!!!!

These Fired up flies R all charged up n alight
"All for One and One for All", it clamours all through the sky
"See how we'll buzzkill this Small thrill of the "elite's" invented apartheid?"


Without wings an Angel still flies
just like a Soul without Trust
still will always have God
n Goddess to depend on,

The One is simultaneously different yet equal
and this is a realisation most high,
though it's quite simple when felt
for this is consequently sequel

S an I is won that is with all
and still all are an I
a Fight


No more puzzling without an example
or Hoping for some cryptic completion
This F. Ego is in need of some muzzling,
for its ample Anger is Done Releasing

Yeah that's ryt, an Innerlight has been shed
on the Shadow of Life, I can just feelz it
The dysfunctional Cerebrum n seemingly
behexed Cortex is putting Cerberus
on its Three fold leash 
whilst petting its heads n rewarding it with Scooby snacks

This Mystery Van has driven those lost me's
to their Final Destination, on cruise-control 
they were always under control n gaining
 Patience whilst Facing the Incorporation's 
depictions n restrictions in rules n
regulation's ways of Life to abide by
forgetful of the Life that has always
been made 2B mend n meant 2B

Now, let us get back on track...
oh wait I M talking n I n I talks back ha ha...

The Tree of Knowledge exists within this Tree of Life
It is "hidden" within its center as the Mysterious Daath
Come to think about it, doesn't that sound a lot like that
word with which we describe THEE final transition?? (Death)

Yeah that's ryt, exactly to what my point here now drives
Each moment we exist THANKS TO our so called "Death"
For Life is not a still image, painted to be set in stone or limelight
it is a REAL Trance-is-I-on, from all that seems so Ryt to that what's Left
unsaid n undone, so that that too will soon be dusted n done... Aight!

Etz haChayim

Outsight is nothing without some good insights
for it is the Dark that makes our Soul Truly see,
just like the bodies lungs help us Breath in Sky
so too does our Soul provide us THEE Truth n Light
with which to agree and with which to see it all through
  S we come to Realise who this I is me, who's I-ing me...

Soul soon our Darkest part will help
us take a peek into the workings of D
n C That Dead's when all roads R one,
seem gone AND continuously Coincide
with the limitive trajectory of this one being
that's in existence as it listens to THEE I n I

.  .  .  .  .

Take a REAL moment NOW to B Still 
n feel how U R still able to D-cide
where to go with your beingnes
n how to flow from Stillness
through Harmony n from
sight to sight
won in one,
side to side
one in won

In n Out
of Life
When unborn
just the same
as when we R

The only thing is that we R now Counting the moments
whilst in the Womb it is all one big Dark Ocean of Dreams

When unborn we R instantly flowing from Death to Life
n than when the eye hits the Light,
nothing is any more what it seems
the Bell rings n School starts
open eyed

We start living the dream
S dreamt by the Embryo
when still inside

Some call it Destiny
others see it as a plan
the fact is that we all came
here n now for a specific Reason

All to embrace our Genuine Destiny
which's the plan we've set out for ourselves to B
as our moments of fate will help us get back on track
when we've seemed to lost it, by all the tests we see


Fate is a small reminder of what we are Destined to B
N I say, S a pathfinder, W.E. Wayshowers Enlightened
will find that what we seek, S PEACE HAS COME INSIDE US


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