zondag 28 oktober 2012

Eye in'~g / I n U

If everything I no U no
than what is I n what is U?

All eyes no is what I see
bot Truly, all I can seize
is wot da Heart nose
n not necessarily wot
da Mind seas
'Cause these waveless e-moceans
R waaaay too deep, welling up
from a Burning Desire of Soul
via a kind of under-current
which has been denied 
for far far too long...
Y yes,
Thank U
I'll count to 10 
n afterwards see how
dat Desire itself is the 
prime reaZen, 
why I M is 
to no more                
'bout ma Ethernall                             
position-in~g at da core                                     
knowing dat that's the only won                                                   
center Truly worth finding out more about
                                                     and who's now finally refinding its well preserved
                                                      PEACE, by realising da Real Truth lies beyond
                                                       all kinds of Phiction n is in Reality Existin~g
                                                        within all the I's of all the U's
                                                         beyond any and all
                                                          limits and lines
                                                           captured here
                                                            by Rhyme

             with I n I

                                                                Can U
                                                               here here?
                                                              Hear hear, I can!
                                                             I see Dead's ryt, ryt
                                                            there where a certain
                                                           do~all~E.T of our Life
                                                          suddenly arises out of the ashes
                                                         from the Phoenixally winged Eth~AIR...
As my Rising Solar El is starting to Shine in~g more n more Brightly, I M meeting 
I n I n seein'~g how dat famous line: "Ashes to ashes, Dirt to dirt" is in reality 
Realigning I n I thru da Silent flapping Wingz of ma Ka's Phoenix
As She Dances whilst Her Talons so Gracefully grab me full on
making me rest assured of any and all unquestioned answers
whilst She embraces da new ways n Rays of our most
        Dearly Beloved Sacred Mother Earth, like
             a braiding of da braid of da braid of
             da revered Ray Diosa Gaea Sophia
               who's rising higha n higha as da
                 non stop ON AIR supplystar
                   dat has us all inside Her
                       n Finally comin'~g
                             TO GET


                                                                 Some have termed our present paradigm
                                                                      to be likened like that of one who's
                                                                        living inside the belly of a Beast
                                                                           I'll tell ya ryt now that it is
                                                                               a correct parab all-
                                                                                  though I'd like
                                                                              to add dat it
                                                                           is currently
                                                                      about to burp,
                                                                 wherewith it will
                                                      consequently !lluminate
                                              all those who are physically
                                      emotionally and sensically ready
                            for it, whereas they are now currently
                       present on the skin... of Moth-Her, Eye
         noes W.E. canz and will transform all of our fear
n worries into pure Bliss with a little help of this
currently covered over Crystalline based Chrysalis
It's Purpose and Mission has been well Refined
through many Lifetimes of weaving n testing
                                                                       the waters of re-action n overcoming
                                                                       our innate feeling of cold feet
                                                                       with the tippy Toe of warm 
                                                                       Unconditional Love walk
                                                                       dat treads the Tightrope
                                                                       of D-vine's Nectar in I
                                                                       n in so doing Refines
                                                                       and Redefines da
                                                                       .    .    .    .    .
                                                                       Balance in~g
                                                                       da ONE
                                                                       Dad is
                                                                       in all

 Dead sed                                                      
eye know Spirit                                                      
very well beyond                                                      
the scope of Heaven                                                      
n its counterpart of Hell                                                      
4matter isn't what I M end                                                      
neither is Mind or False Ego                                                      
for that matter, since even                                                      
this consciousness of                                                      
eye is bot a tool                                                      
dat radiates                                                      
out of                                                      
I M Soul
 and Spirit M I
  one who has adopted
   this body in order to learn
     how to create a better way
       of how to integrate Star Birth
          via an Heavenly influx of Holy Light
             which is meeting "Dark" matter head on
                                                                       resulting into the Sound of 

After many                                                      
Millions of Lifetimes                                                      
 I can finally say I god it                                                      
and of that fact I M Sure!                                                      

You see...
U is I, n I is
within all
of U

No need to Separate                                                       
any of these entrapping lies                                                           
which find its Origin far beyond                                                               
any of these materially manufactured I's

four they are all merely substitute Creations
as facilitated by our Heavenly MotherFather God
our most Beloved Friend of Friends the Refuge of all Refuges
Yes it is HerHim who makes anyone experience their own desired outcome
of their self-fulfilling Prophecy by the all Triumphing Supreme Localized Truth

Yes now I can relinquish my worried Mind                                                              
for I have found my Piece within you                                                              
You are that what I so desire                                                              
and yet I am that one too                                                              


                                                              Well as my Heart beats
                                                              and my inner Start agrees
                                                              with all that buzzes and bees

                                                              eye now seas dad all I have to do
                                                              is finding sanity by learning
                                                              how to count to ten
                                                              and finally make
                                                              expert use of
                                                              this familiar
                                                              tool called

RELEASE n SURRENDER                                                              
for all is within Isvara's reach                                                              
I hear Jivatma will finally find that                                                              
Everlasting Blissfilled Fountain head                                                              
of Originally Presiding All Pervading Peace                                                              

U is where Thee I went
n I is where da U were
U is in I and
I am in U

You n I
is eye
in U

is in
I n U
IS in U two

Radhe Krsna, Radhe Shyam, Jai Jai Jai Bhagavan !!!!!

maandag 22 oktober 2012

Violet Light in g

I'm learning to Speak
in through the unspoken
as ma eyez pheel how G’s
handing me a precious token


One that’ll open the lid on I
Soul to Throughly see how
I’ve been in the Dark n Blind
by my own lack of Truly Being

For I know, dad be in speechless
does not mean at all that there is not
such a thing as True Sound to speak of
ryt hear, ryt now writin'~g, whilst hearin'~g me


‘cause when pheeling I,
in eye reaches a Silence
where I can clearly C, hear is
God’s voice speakin'~sight of me


Door’s open…
no need to knock
just step into motion
Da rolling of that infamous Rock


For to the life of I, t~here is no dead end
as I M spotting dead spot that had blinded
Thee’z I’s which lie Deep within the core of me
Makin'~g in I unable to fathom da reality of real~I's in'~g

Da One

Sees in with
opened eyes dreamed dreams
appearing as real as all that is manifest
like the Earth n Her Beloved air we Breathe


I Soul can Zero in 2
on DA One n B free
4 that is the only Won
two B Invoked in 8-ernity

~out missing a single beat
Yes, in da Heart’s where He art
as a Transcendental living Vibration
n as a matter of Spirit I hear it... so is She


Become Silent
and here Her voice
It is where all violence
Stops, as a muffling of noise


Let's go with that flow
n have that Violet Fire burn all
undesirable destinations of Thought
Soul 2 will ourselves into that NEW EARTH

as I M
ryt hear
ryt now
writin'~g here

In so doing
a True Sight
will B Awoken
At the Eternal’s


This is it
Hear da token
Take in my hand
n feel free 2 B open

Ever Awake n in~G!


zondag 14 oktober 2012

3D: Da Dusk Dawns

Precognition… what to say
I am feeling this hear
and than listen to its
Being ordained

Like a professional private eye
this Silent I went whispering
its way into me

Without defining it
is becoming an entire
Story of Fate that unfolds
a Divinely timed I which's rising 
da fire of Faith n embeds itself in me

For it is feeling a lot like
I am writing without
knowing what to say

Realising without
playing according to
the rules of the game

I just go line
by line

Follow its basic tenet
where-after I post
the whole process
on the world wide
web’s internet

There it’s portraying how
the essence of my being
is trance-reforming
in da Chrysalis
of Silence’s

I go as I play it by ear
while the game's end draws near

From a two legged, two armed being
I’ll become one more Soulfilled with aetheric wings

Precognition is a 12 lettered word to say
I will write an entire sentence
without knowing actually
what I say

I don’t worry at all as I know
it will be all write, it will be okay

 For I am inside the end
that moves
like night
to day