donderdag 14 maart 2013

True Goddess with Love

May this elixir of Truth
Find it’s way through the proper channels
To heal all lost parts of you
And piece it all to come together
like a broken mirror reflecting
All different views on that what is
Imaging our current collective consciousness
As a divided humanity, blind to the factual business
It is Going on right before our noses, 
and felt like drum beating
within our beings
Face it ,
we are all lying on the same floor Together 
mirroring our own piece of ceiling
Let’s find it in our heart of hearts to gather 
and fix this Lingering false ego infection
I know We can beat this
Let’s agree we’re all in resurrection
From the most darkest slumber of sleep
and this perfect panacea of poetry
knows exactly how to deal with that

Healing all of U’s n I’s  /  layers n layers deep
By allowing all the captured minds
To realign with heart n break free
Bypassing all logic of life inside
Soul Smooth n Effortlessly
This is it’s flow in motion now , 
Right there 
can U C ?

It is rendering all walls of unawareness to become obsolete
See how also fluidly large quantities of Fear 
Are transmuted by Love, beating
Welcome in the New here
For by this here, a feeling 
of togetherness with Goddess 
in our Hearts

I n I 
Our Dear Goddess purest emotion of love
Allows Her to come even more within 

healing and easing every long lost Heart
and body soul relationship
this inner relation is Soul ancient
and starts to make a lot more sense
Our hearts pump blood
To have us all become aware and awakened
Beat by beat all life shall see 
its consciousness that’s Sacred

Like they say,
We are the Ones for who we’ve waited
So without further ado, this one talking
Finds its time to Bless all 1s at once
With a Heart filled Prayer
Dear Goddess please help us to forgive us
For all we’ve done to You, each other and ourselves
The Human family is largely unaware
of Your undying Love for us,
 So please never cease to talk, 
amaze and give us Your Love

Please give us strength faith and guidance
To come undone, to be one and to bond
In inner alignment, with all Your wishes
for us
May we all be together in kindred spirits
and healed by Your embrace of Love.

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