zaterdag 30 maart 2013

Travel in g 2 return in g

Da moment
has arrived

At long last
all dat waiting
Reveals da True Light
a Souls
has found
da proper outlet
by which to express
all those words n sounds
dat, give a suitable explanation n text
to the enigmatic inner workings of this
ongoing ransack-awareness-siege of I,
a’happening in I


Dis unmasked villain is most keen, derides any treatments or chill-pills,
givin’ an overall bad vibe, Two me, myself n I ryt there on da scene,
furthermore has it disguised itself within me, with me in between
n dares not to step forward, or walk hand in hand with a new me,
to a more complete n holistic version dat we might B come
n become called a Homo Luminous or Homo Universalis
 so dat we could go together as we please n fly into da ever
increasing inner dimensions of Light
Dis comes from its habit to
B living amongst da Shadows
Hiding even amongst the most wise
Nice n settled in their fancy inner worlds,
It builds itself a cocoon as it’s lust n desire grow
like a infectious chrysalis of da dark moth of Dull Matter
Ryt there, in Ur tree, can’t You tell or C, what is a foot in thee?
perhaps you’d better close Your eyelids to make eYe really see…
Instead of relying on da somewhat limited, physical sight of material 3D


The Root is firm, strong n goes deep
so even when this superficial corruption
infiltrates heavy into the inner I of my I-ness,
with tentacles entwined up to 6ft. deep in my nerve centres
da Darkness of all da Heartless, unsought n -fought Demons touch
will not hook itself in my flesh or bone,
claw, line n sinker

No sireee

For I’ve caught a break n insight
              by realising dat ultimately
                            this stain is in fact
                                     an important
                                          part of self,
                                                    in itself,
Dark n Light
n choose 2 decide
wot comes of me, of I

Aye !!

Tonight’s da night
all Dreams are shattered
leaving only Reality behind
standing tall and sound through 
the ever unspoken word of tongue
as felt allthroughout, realms of Light n Sound

Wrong n Right R then left there to decide
Where its being comes undone
Inside the insights of eYe
Silent Words Still
clamour on
~.....~ ~.....~ ~.....~ ~.....~ ~.....~

Fortunate winds blow 4th new fragrances n along ride answers within it's breeze, 
this is da change of ages n will B really messing up da weather forecasts
of dat impersonating badman of this indoctri-nation

Soul let me tell ya, da real good news, no-one on TV ever talks about, 
and tho some might not believe it, it is going on this moment
this instant, it serves U from within U, ryt now

endlessly it's flowing from end2beginning,
I call it a common You-niversal ground
wherein a reawakened Heart's beating,
relaxing in da Rhythm She had found
1 dat does not forfeit, so easily..

eYe C Hu-man-E.T waking up slowly bot surely, 
inside out, unwrapping da Truest Potential,
4 peeps R reaching new levels of Purity
as I is being prepared 2 astound
many more of your me's...

So I say this: All bets are off, no more fakeness n lets face it
da horrendous gamble o’human lives has reached its limit
 Sound fammiliar? "There are some things money can't buy. 
For everything else there's Mastercard" 

Yeah ryt, da Mastercard of these self appointed rulers
is maxed out 2da limit n will have a heck of a Hang-
over when da man with da hammer comes
around n then again on da rebound 
as da final blow hits 'em, 
dis Divine check balance
will not B tempered with
dats a given!

For dis Truth of Angel-mouths
Is Found on da most Holy of Holies
Our Sacred Mother EA Sophia grounds
Just plant ya ear on Her 2hear da words of Peace

Love goes on Forever more
Cause Love goes on Forever n ever
n even or especially when unannounced,
Internally and Eternally Love's strength gathers
Her Deserved dominion n proprietorship over our inner-lands

As to further inspire n imbue
all previous Silent mediums
with a Love lesson of
dat oh so majickal
Vibration of now

And if there be
any other possible
fertile pasture grounds

Those will become enhanced too
with the magic manure of da ding-dang-Dong
dats coming from The Sacred Truthful Cow, which is
Dumping Moist fuming piles of True-Dat-Dung all around

Its arguably likeable odour
will Penetrate even the nostrils
of those who could not smell B4
n finally it may get thru to their thick skulls
that we R currently living somewhat in Hell
If we dont Heaven da F* up and start living
from the most inner Sacred Sanctum of Heart
Ringz a bell ?

Seems like even the Walls of false
Protection R crumbling now too,
Fall n eventually come down
2Go down in Love of the1

That's no biggie, these walls
of false protection were build
by our diligent caretakers in da 1st place,
n dat in a time where Humanity was deemed unfit
to tie their own shoe laces, let alone walk a mile or 7 billion in it n fit it…

Well, SoulHeartedly I say:

No more of that

I can handle my own 

very well, thanQ very much...

ThanQ So much 4 all da help, I pheal it is time now
for me 2 start a new way of living as I have 2B
independent n break free from your illusory
spell of captivity, I need no more
dis-tractive puppet shows
n no very well how
curtains close
End by picking up dat pace
We'll face our Destiny S Humanity
together through da integration of dark n light
while I n I acknowledge both sides of da medallion

it is Inside da I-side where I n I refines da balance
of our innate capacity of HUMANE SANITY, Bless-sings

Listen closely
Amidst the rubble
Truth, blows all the
Smoke n mirrors away

Whispering softly to all of me


…Tonight IS dat night of the day
where tomorrows reality
Will shatter all that is or is not,
left of the dream
of today

Will shatter all that was or was not
Dreamt by me on that day

Will shatter all that becomes and becomes not
Of the Dreams that I make

Shattered asunder
For Love’s law
Walks along
sensible lines

Da Tiptoe of Divine Love,
will dance us all into Wonder…..

“Will You join with it and me?”
I hear The voice still softly verbalize

“Will you join us, in…
walking the walk on
a narrow road
leading 2 G-d
more n more

Talking that talk
about open doors
butchering any taboos
and make good use
of da silence,

Strapped with boots of Truth
on the well paved road into Now?"

Soaked in the highly inflammable
Petrol fuel of the True Light, I vow…
To Leave tomorrow and today behind
N Dream the boundless dream of now
More and more vividly than any feasible
Explicable explanation could possibly convey


Walk with me from DAT Light
of the memorable thought of Tonight
as to venture deeper into the experience
where I Humbly Thank the Shadow dead
has provided me with the necessary triggers
2 best conduce n induce development of Growth

It is ma Souls Part of the plan
that I n I has made agreements
two come to turns with the better
Half of I n I whilst holding hands
With that suppressed part of Heart
Where Daimonion is rightfully innerstood
Dat is da Voice of Heart
that talks to those who listen
N hear it Speak…

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