zaterdag 15 augustus 2015

God Love 101

Love is oh so simple
I don't know why everyone 
makes it so hard....

Love is simple
like a beating of my heart
Love does not kill

Love does not make war

Love is the red pill

Love is the spark
Love is my only means of survival
the guiding light for my soul
to get through this night 
so dark

Love is the reason 
why I write this all
the essence of my being
the goal of my heart

Love is why I breathe at all
the oxygen for my Soul
 the water of my eye
the tear of DNA
that makes up
this Eves fall

Love is...
I wish everyone could see it
hear it, be it, live it, love it
dare it, trust it, discern it
care for it, the core of it
& share it freely with all
humans, angels, animals

For always love 
is GOD 
Love is

The purpose of life
as Divine as Spirit
the glue that adheres me
to the quickening of I n I
the answering of Thy Call

Save the best for last
lest I forget all of this
please re-member 1 thing
God is Love and Love is

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