maandag 8 april 2013

Being Won...

The Wingz of Change R blowing, 
Strong currents Within me,
DNA strands en-toiling
matter at light-speed

With my feet firmly planted
on Earth's Transforming skin....
Her care n support I receive, 
with open arms I welcome it in


all of our I's R being grounded,
by da common ground we Breathe-in,
n all eYes here C the grass-roots movement
of Earth, Sounding the inner re-Bell of Youmanity

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Vibration’s the Bio
of this Silent witness
witches fully equipped, 
literally armed to the teeth
with a Star-Fire-Spark ready 2 Shine
n mean some Sirius Kick Ass Business

This Sun of God will Shine n lit
up like never did I ever do so B4

For now, right there by His side sits 
n sings a Pure Heart-Melting Goddess Love
which ushers all of us Humangels into Her bosom, 
way way down to the core...
Embalmed with Messeh oil,
I n I Sparks the Krist Within,
true Light codes are fired in the Dark
Bulls-eyeing the I of Human Enlightenment
This most Specialest of touches
is so Generously Shared with all
by the Supreme Mother Goddess,
our very own planet, Dear Krist Sophia, Ea
I Hear Her mirth
I Here Her

I Hear
the time is now
4 1 2 adhere in G
n Hear Her Phealingz

1–4–4 , Now Hear it yourself
not much needed to feel it, Truly
just quiet the mind n Hear our Heart 
beat in G
You see, the rhythmic pump is much more than just that
it is a call from Love, from God and Goddess inside of us
keeping us going on and knowing love, before anything else
Love is endlessly, growing and ongoing for an Eternity of NOW!

That is… if won listens up
and starts to Beach
on that inner shore
of Love

Come on down 
Way down,
2 MA core 

Knock on Ma Door
n Hear da Heart
of Mother

"It's open!"

Mother God us
Loved Supreme
assuring all of me
that no-one will B left behind
after da notorious curtain falls
Still feel some residual fear?
Than just wait a moment
take 5 & take a closed
eyed look to see
How Forever
Won will B Filled
with Wonders, Wishes 
and all otHer Fair shares
of Love of G-d so Free

It has been written
The Kingdom of Heaven 
is well Within our reach...

"Arise oh Celestial Seizening,
gift me with your insight of speech"

"May eYes reap wot I saw
when through Thy Sea I peaked",
 Beholding the fruit of Gods thoughts
a whole harvest cropped up instantly 

Just by a Simple use of thought, guided by G
I n I give Love n laugh at the Childsplay eYe see
for simply through me Believing in it, God wills it so,

"Thy Will Be Done"


Goddess tells me that
this is is the Golden season, 
where-after She urges me further
to go ahead n Plant new seeds of ideas,
growing a Poets way in Rhyming the Reason

Also, She includes
for me to make way
with “won’t” n “can’t do’s”
since they're a bit useless to say
Last time I checked we all lived in Eden
and there’s no apple eating to change that
This here Tree of Life 
is our protector and support
Forever Reborn, more apples will arise
and disconnection happens on ones own accord
reconnect and reflect on this most Sacred of bonds
Know for a fact, that Life is an act, made from and out of Divine Love
Gaea comforts me one on one 
that all is supplied n multiplied on demand
More than one I could possibly be needing:
4 1 single seed can give rise 2 generations of plants
This wind
god my Back
Thrusting forth
Love Sublime
A wind of Sol.
Soul Strong
it resurrects
Every other me of I

Silence of Gold
Unspoken M I
Divine by mould

to Shine
to Shine
as is every other in we B
as is every other in we B

By this Breath o' life that's blowing
a fresh new air breezes on the streets, 
bringing a new way of looking&knowing
especially into those tight corners of mind 
deprogrammed brains which prohibit I's to See

Honest words
Speak no lies n
R Truth unto any I that seas
though due their sword-like nature
All those S-words of Truth 
tend 2 cut down 2 da meat of it
and to some, that fact, combined with 
the overall gist of it might hurt or sting a lil’

some Ruffled feathers
n here n there a *bleep*
Still, Truth continues onwards 
through the vehicle of speech
and than again, some listeners
recompose n find ways
2 rebalance da Energies
releasing the sword's tension
Dear Goddess,
May all I's see
da Heavenizement unfold

Like a peeling of layers
This core Truth is Gold


Pheal da winds
of inner knowing
Crystallize Da Angel I B

Growing n Sowing
vast Seas of Peace

My Soul makes closed doors open
New ways venture free, knock knock, who is it?

Inner connections R being made quite naturally

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