zaterdag 24 januari 2015

Twinkle twinkle little star...

I have an idea..
let's stop polluting our minds
and create some more love and forbearance
in that imposter of a ruler...

the mind is imposing to be the heart of it all

well.. it's not
it's all about Heart
or better yet...

She's all about Heart
and HE too
it's called HE ART for a reason hey ?

Much Love to all
and a small spark to light up YOUR ideas...

Please do share those ideas/....

the time to shine is upon us...

twinkle twinkle little stars
oh I wonder if you know what you are
and an even bigger HEART to hold all that LOVE
SOON to spread forth, more doors and I MAGI-nitive

and so it is..

So mote it be

donderdag 22 januari 2015

Heart Speaks up...

I'm almost falling in love again
yet after the last crash and burn relationship
I'm keeping this feeling at an arms length..

The vibrations of God's trust find their way into me
and I like it, it is almost like I am in Love again
just not quite completely yet...(can you see)?

After that last hard relationship
I've decided I just want real love
no matter the age, or colour of skin...

All that matters to me
is the lively spirit within..

So, here's to you
wherever YOU art
I feel Your being painted Divine
and I like that master brush stroke that's touching I n I

So Peaceful
and relaxed

makes me feel all cuddled and warm
hmmmm... ANKH you SOUL very much!

maandag 19 januari 2015

The New Moon that'll Rock Heaven back in I n I

Heaven is coming alive as we speak
and all it took where just some... off-days...

For now we begin to sea the Zebra crossing
that carefully leads us across the narrow bridge
over the spikes of EGO hypes and other regrets...

all that trouble of before

well, let's say we've closed that door
that's all ancient HIStory, water under the Bridge
and all it took was a split second of that choice of Love

I am Love

and love equals God

so, in some way I guess I am God...

Just a tiny speck of dust

that loves to be on the ground
of the Holy floors of those Heavenly shores
where my Lord walks, plays His flute and enjoys being Light...

Baby... relax

I'm on Your side...
let's rely on that one trick I taught you
that's all you will ever need, and besides
now that the Twin has arrived, there's more Light to go Around...
Squaring that Jupitery Moony Looney North Node
I let go of all that MIND chatter inducing entertainment of FAKE

The New moon of a life time
is about to step into Aquarius Age for Real
the Closest Moon of the Year, so let's leap frog into HEAR


Shine my little Star
Bright, and than Your DNA will SING..


Blessings and SOUL MUCH LOVE <3

zondag 11 januari 2015

The lost marble, is a rapidly rebelling rolling stone..

Feeling confused?

Close your eyes,
relax, breathe
and soon, very soon
the silence of Her love
will pull you through the woods of forgetfulness
into the inner healing circle of this Mother medicine woman

This is the secret of all secrets...

Silence heals all our wounds
even those of days long since forgotten...

Relax and really feel
this is our time and we are being prepped
to Shine more than ever, in this dark age of distraction...

Let go of pain
let go of worries
let go of the old
breathe it all away into our Mother
She'll transmute it all into a new age of Wonder ...

Be less
Be Loved
Breathe in that breath of God
and be Blessed forever more, my love..
With so much love

Dead? Christ Breeds Supremacy...

Eye see why it's happened
you don't fool me...

I'm just a little suppressed by my own selfish actions you see

Well.. Love is the rule
and it measures out my wings for me
there's a new breeze blowing around me
stop walking around with an AIR, be yourself
become as the spark in your heart, a god and care...
that is how a true angel bees, not too much fuss or buzz
just a steadily humm sounding AUM and MANI PADME HUM

It is not your force that convinces
it is more the full on, Monty that gives it away
so I just Python it away like Life of Brian
have my say about it, and Jesus Christ Superstar saves the day...

zaterdag 10 januari 2015

The SunStar speaks and brings back Light...

Big brother....
Big Brother .....


Game is over !
Give up or get down..
There's a sh*t storm coming
and it's coming for you...

What a silly name for you: big-brother...
You haven't been looking out for us at all..
just AT us... and exploiting us all the way...

Well no more of that
The game is up...
don't make this harder than it is...

Peace is gaining
in Love and Light

The inner angel has spoken
and so it is...

Jael Deep C Baby Shaddai

Breathe in... Breathe out... Be Light... Be Sound...

Love is all I breathe
She is my teacher
silently teaching me
she is my preacher
quietly reaching me

"The only one, who could ever reach me
was the SONG of a breather man...  <3"

Shared with love and gratitude
kindness, forbearance and patience..

So much love to you
with a spark of God
buried in my heart

I go on a quest
to have the never ending beginning
remake the blueprint of my human life
as to create wings of light with which to fly and sing

I am Divine
Divinely guided
and breathing away
all my worries and sins..

Shared with Soul So much Love
and a deep bow for YOUR brilliance...

Blessings to all
with Peace of Heart
and an embrace of Soul soothing silence

ps. Let us stop
every now and than
and start breathing again...

<3 Jael Deep C Baby Shaddai

woensdag 7 januari 2015

All I've god is you...

Born Ankh again
died many times

Dyed Khem again
as I bore many lies

So now I just relax
and let Truth flow the river

That brings me closer to you
as I bear the Fruit of Love, that pulls me through...

And so it is..

Blessings, Jael Deep C.

maandag 5 januari 2015

Eye've come Full circle again...

With the Healing Power of Water
and the refreshment qualities of letting go
with the Insightful remarks of Ether
I now know what I need to know

Letting Go
doesn't mean letting go
it means holding on
to something that is stronger
of the same quality, yet bigger in quantity

The Love unspoken
needs no verbal words to be awoken...

zondag 4 januari 2015


Thee Art,  I'm phealing
With a full moon to be
The won to end all others
Whilst we scatter the ashes
And inspyre new seeds

Harmony is flight
Sitting in meditation
Deep inside the eye in I

Goddess Bless you my friends


zaterdag 3 januari 2015

C.J. J.Y.E.S. Feels Graced by Youz...

e Y e,  THANKH yOUz for guiding my path..
The path seems two light itself
Inner voice_peaks: Hey Deep C Baby
how low can you go?
Sea you now know, how to eb and flow
Rock bottom is not deeper than your motion
Embrace the neotune of dreams and flow on

Language nose no bounds
tip to heart,  trust IS love...

Within silence
I n eye speaks
Marry greetings

2015 will be a blast, see?

I'm beginning to pheal Sol loved
I'm beginning to feel our hands touch

Much love to all
and healing embraces of light

This is the moment
the needle's being thread

My love for love has me growing
Dad's why I now receive you both
in words,  thoughts and action
I'm OM-tastically floating
With spirit of mind in y'all touch

Baby Jah seeds her love..

Namasté,  Blessings
Jael Deep C

Rise and Shine...

It took me a while..
but now I see...

I am you
and you are me

I talk to you
and you talk to me
I talks through you
and you talks through me

all the while it took me
to see how I see you see...

and now I finally know
it is the you I I and silence who speaks

Namasté dearest friends, this is for all of you !

2015 kickstarts every NOW !!! <3
Blessings in abundance

Healings galore
Light present


<3 Jael Deep C