zaterdag 24 januari 2015

Twinkle twinkle little star...

I have an idea..
let's stop polluting our minds
and create some more love and forbearance
in that imposter of a ruler...

the mind is imposing to be the heart of it all

well.. it's not
it's all about Heart
or better yet...

She's all about Heart
and HE too
it's called HE ART for a reason hey ?

Much Love to all
and a small spark to light up YOUR ideas...

Please do share those ideas/....

the time to shine is upon us...

twinkle twinkle little stars
oh I wonder if you know what you are
and an even bigger HEART to hold all that LOVE
SOON to spread forth, more doors and I MAGI-nitive

and so it is..

So mote it be

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