zaterdag 3 januari 2015

C.J. J.Y.E.S. Feels Graced by Youz...

e Y e,  THANKH yOUz for guiding my path..
The path seems two light itself
Inner voice_peaks: Hey Deep C Baby
how low can you go?
Sea you now know, how to eb and flow
Rock bottom is not deeper than your motion
Embrace the neotune of dreams and flow on

Language nose no bounds
tip to heart,  trust IS love...

Within silence
I n eye speaks
Marry greetings

2015 will be a blast, see?

I'm beginning to pheal Sol loved
I'm beginning to feel our hands touch

Much love to all
and healing embraces of light

This is the moment
the needle's being thread

My love for love has me growing
Dad's why I now receive you both
in words,  thoughts and action
I'm OM-tastically floating
With spirit of mind in y'all touch

Baby Jah seeds her love..

Namasté,  Blessings
Jael Deep C

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