maandag 2 september 2013

Letting Go...

When Worries come
I give them to the Earth
She carries me on
and I return to dirt....

When fear comes
I let Love take it's place
She carries me on
and fills my Heart with Faith...

When Love is ONE
there is not anything to explain
what is coming on more strong
each and every single moment of the day
for words can only describe one thing at a time
as they (the words) are "lettered-up" so to speak...,
even when they are expertly conveyed

there will ALWAYS be room for explanation
and for that...

we all need our own time, pace and space....

With Sol Much Love
and Hugs in Abundance.....

donderdag 29 augustus 2013

Love's Matched AS WON, bar none

Love has come along
and boy does SHE pack a punch
the man with the hammer is nothing compared to HER Touch

My Soul is under a deep impression
of whatever SHE has brought up
with wisdom that’s welling up
from the deepest withinner
me, love love love

Is the Only True Healer
Of my <3 of <3 ‘s
Love is Divine
Love is the Branch
Love is the Root cause
Love is destined to make me Shine

Love wins my Heart
And is gaining territory
SHE has always been the one for me
I just did not have the eyes yet to see
how deep HER love has always been growing in me…
for me…
through me…
Love is the Powerfilled Healer
Who needs no majickal wands
Touching me all over, by bringing me up
To the speed of Light, as donated by the Lord most High

Love’s been invested in me
and soon will make me fly

Love Forever
is unable to cease or die

Love Eternal
is capable to freeze a moment of Time

Love Deserved by all
is returning Deep Within I


So can I..

B-Less, B-Light
Be-Leaf, Be-Loved


vrijdag 9 augustus 2013

Growing Our Living Divinity

I Love and so I am
Loved by intent

I see U about now
Realise and innerstand

אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
ʾehyeh ʾašer ʾehyeh
Am I

So I love I
now and Forever
within and without
it is all about U and I

Come see
innerstand and realise
that we are to bring home
our Heart of Gods Sun land

Shine ON !

We are Light inside
and we are Mirrored Outside
there is not one touch that has not
come to our life, to help us Re-member
who we truly art, who we truly is, LOVE JOY & BLISS

Works of God's Creation
as painted Divine by THY TOUCH
With layers upon layers of Matter, we will find a way to break free
from all the enclosing limitations which are figments of our imagination ANYWAY
My Dear MA-ter Earth has told me time and time again
that I am Meant to use that brain of intelligence and make my own world
She is the Creative capacity of all that we eat, drink, speak, breathe and see

and welcome in the Gold


maandag 20 mei 2013

Being a God's One There (G.O.T.)

Seeing the
new generation
Picking up speed
finding their Angel wings
finding much more Patience
for this insignificant little things
that used to bother me a lot
when I was younger

I See the
new generation
finding True Gifts
that are hidden in
all of our consciousness

so this here is to just remind you
of the TRUTHUMANITY that's becoming one

Humanity is preparing to Fly like a Butterfly,
after being Stung by a BEE Divine,
with a sting of Soul felt I AM-ness
that brings with it a total new way
of life,

The Divine rings Truth on every plane of existence,
as this virtuous venom enters into our mundane living and
embellishes all of our "modern" of ways of thinking, renewing
the entire perception that we have on an (individual) I, which gifts
peace of mind, peace of Heart and parts us from the ways of old,
so that we may once again rejoin with the lost part of Goddess Golden Whole

inside that we Art
With a quick left and a mean right,
this boxing match thrives on Divine will in sight,
Sol in due to the course of the Great Works inner Life
We'll all bring in more Light and Love of Goddess Soul
so that we may see that we are beings helped from Within
to become a True Gods one-there to sing a new song of Sol, ..

I n I press Fast Forward, Rewind and Replay
our Ancestral records on a Goddess Gramophone

the Golden Age
brings forth a baseline
that drums us all home..

from being needle stuck
in the same ol' same ol' groove
for a very very very very very long time...


<3 With an Abundance of Love, Isurajael
When feeling
into the soothing Silence
I can hear the Music of God
as a Symphony playing for I
AM right here,

God a front row seat,
in the Theatre of this
caterpillar show...
See the munch-frenzy is almost over,
just some dark-matter cookies left
and some E.T. Gingerbread-man,
done baking cookies

Many Be-leaves already digested
and mani-festing Heaven as we see
the Light lives on beyond the concept of death
I n I Transform in g
the Pupa Supa Dupa Fly

Whilst the other part
of the Hero in question,
is done spinning the Chrysalis
and about ready to spring free
from the self-fabricated emprisonment,
by realizing that the perception that is the cause of its captivity

For when the wings meet day Light
and dry in the sun,
I n I will be ready 
to live those 

and Be 
a God's 
and be a Gods-One-There...

zaterdag 4 mei 2013


Dear Love,
If and Whenever You are done Flying of,
Please know that right here, in My Heart,
Will always be a safe place for You to Be, Land and Love


Yes Love
You're a Divine Gift from God
Freely Available to all those that are
open minded for Goddess MinDNA-Touch of Golden Hush


Sol Love
Enlightens all Sparks of God,
Too His Tabernacle is in You and Me,
and in the I of Us, seen by the eYe of Love and experienced through Breath


Yes Love
We will soon be won
In this ratrace of modern caveman wheels
We’ll fly our way into the Hearts of those Angel-eyed-wings that art ready to be met


By Love
Yes Love, is free for all
No price tags or inflations of “cost”
when unconditional, it is a True Vehicle to Experience the God Within all of us


Tell me, is it CRISIS OR KRIST-IS?
Well, eYe see that one is forced from outside
whilst the other is freely blossoming indoors in Light


I mean, what if
All of our “problems” are merely due to our insufficient knowledge of Consciousness
Let’s Lighten up, and Become Creative Sparks in The Fire of KRIST'S Undying Love

________on and on
________until YOU open up ;)

dinsdag 30 april 2013

When the Numbers R Down.....

Hey Mister Mister,
wanna keep the cat IN the bag?
not a chance, we're all Evol-ving
and wish to scratch Our backs (for a change),
instead of listening to your, supposed advice
no GMO's, no chips in Our skin,
we AIN'T cattle, we got our Bat
and are preparing our Homerun-swing

I n I now know and realise that it is all a game
since even You have to listen to the Source and obey
We are as a race not some number or en-captured slaves
We are sons and daughters of Love, of Goddess and God's cloth made

So, hereby and henceforth
I acclaim my sovereignty
and call on the one Most High
to resolve all the enmity
between seen and unseen
between U n I

When U directed the course of our Race
you acted quite blindly to our HUMANE-NESS
so better wise up soon, and let go of that old age
a new wind is blowing, in fact it is more a hurricane

Since those underground bases in our psyche
need a thorough sweep to be able to clean it
You're days were numbered, and now it's the day
no more problem-reaction-solution, we see through that

It is right NOW
Where all I O U's
will be collected
for the entire Humanrace.

I forgive you
your ignorance

and I forgive me
for pointing at U and placing the blame

We are a family,
we are in this
to - get - Her

So whaddaya say?

donderdag 25 april 2013

Love is the Key to All

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
the Music
and I n I
is Swinging
to Her Soul

"What a Nice Beat...
I hear my feet saying,
...a Groovy Rhythm, Let us tune in
and Dance on this Beautiful Blue ball of Love 
in this Heavenly Life on Mother Goddess' Supreme !!!!!"

" the left, to the bottom
& back up to the right, to start again"
Like a Divine Dance, my Life moves on
through the circular blood flow, sparked by Sun
as Mother Earth guides Her juices of Bliss into me 
obliterating any forms of "evil" or "sin" and illuminating
all the dark shadows that are still having their way with me

Yes, all comes From the Heart
Heart is the Matter of all things
Beyond the corporeal beating one
there is this Essential Spark Of God's Art

The I am that I am
Being one and all
I am that I am
a Being of Love

I am but a brush painting through God's touch
Finding words to colour this digital pale white sheet
and especially giving room to the ones that ring Truth
the Words that speak of Compassion and Link I n I to You

All Blood relations
are carried further along
than Ancient Ancestral lineages do
For Bones and Memories tell stories
of Truth buried deep within the inner you

I can Still feel the Drum
Beating Me Home to MOM
This is the Sound of Queendom-come
This is the Age of Revelations and FUN

Come on,
this Dance is bringing
more and more Light into I n I
Refreshing the rusty old patterns
&even realigning new routes of Old Truth
to be molten back again into the Heart of Gold

Golden Truth of EL in God
Truth of Gold without EL
take the L out of Gold
and what you God?


Be the One
You Are in LOVE,
with Love as Beacon
WON will never be LOST

donderdag 18 april 2013


Oh Sun, OH Beloved One
How Your Rays Illuminate
our Queendom come

No one, Oh Beloved One
Can fill me up quite that way
Oh King whom I Sol-Love

Go on, Oh Beloved One
Shine Your Way into my Heart
Bring to Light what’s hidden in Dark

Know one, Oh Beloved One
Know one thing, You are by far
the Greatest conqueror of my Heart

Oh Son, Oh Beloved One
may these words express my Love
For in Your Light, I 2 feel like One

No one, Oh Beloved One
Brings me to me and I into us
as such I Surrender 2U All that I god

Oh Master of Love

woensdag 17 april 2013

I'm Love's Patient...

I'm patient of Love
it's what I'm made of
patience and God
a lot ... of ... it ...

This currently solves
most of my "problems"
through a Divine interfacing
of the Sun of Within

I'm love~in~g your ways
being lost in the chase
I had count the days
until I started to appreciate

the waiting... ... ... ... ...

In Sacred Space

zondag 14 april 2013

I's a Humangel

I am as Human as I let the Angel in me Believe.....
I am as Angelic as I let the Human in me Believe.....

I am As I Believe
and I Believe that
I came in with Infinite Potential
to be Whatever I want to BE

and So I am
in my Destiny

As I Continue to Believe.....
and Continue on Believing
That I am The Human Angel in ME.....


♥ Blessings ~

maandag 8 april 2013

Being Won...

The Wingz of Change R blowing, 
Strong currents Within me,
DNA strands en-toiling
matter at light-speed

With my feet firmly planted
on Earth's Transforming skin....
Her care n support I receive, 
with open arms I welcome it in


all of our I's R being grounded,
by da common ground we Breathe-in,
n all eYes here C the grass-roots movement
of Earth, Sounding the inner re-Bell of Youmanity

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Vibration’s the Bio
of this Silent witness
witches fully equipped, 
literally armed to the teeth
with a Star-Fire-Spark ready 2 Shine
n mean some Sirius Kick Ass Business

This Sun of God will Shine n lit
up like never did I ever do so B4

For now, right there by His side sits 
n sings a Pure Heart-Melting Goddess Love
which ushers all of us Humangels into Her bosom, 
way way down to the core...
Embalmed with Messeh oil,
I n I Sparks the Krist Within,
true Light codes are fired in the Dark
Bulls-eyeing the I of Human Enlightenment
This most Specialest of touches
is so Generously Shared with all
by the Supreme Mother Goddess,
our very own planet, Dear Krist Sophia, Ea
I Hear Her mirth
I Here Her

I Hear
the time is now
4 1 2 adhere in G
n Hear Her Phealingz

1–4–4 , Now Hear it yourself
not much needed to feel it, Truly
just quiet the mind n Hear our Heart 
beat in G
You see, the rhythmic pump is much more than just that
it is a call from Love, from God and Goddess inside of us
keeping us going on and knowing love, before anything else
Love is endlessly, growing and ongoing for an Eternity of NOW!

That is… if won listens up
and starts to Beach
on that inner shore
of Love

Come on down 
Way down,
2 MA core 

Knock on Ma Door
n Hear da Heart
of Mother

"It's open!"

Mother God us
Loved Supreme
assuring all of me
that no-one will B left behind
after da notorious curtain falls
Still feel some residual fear?
Than just wait a moment
take 5 & take a closed
eyed look to see
How Forever
Won will B Filled
with Wonders, Wishes 
and all otHer Fair shares
of Love of G-d so Free

It has been written
The Kingdom of Heaven 
is well Within our reach...

"Arise oh Celestial Seizening,
gift me with your insight of speech"

"May eYes reap wot I saw
when through Thy Sea I peaked",
 Beholding the fruit of Gods thoughts
a whole harvest cropped up instantly 

Just by a Simple use of thought, guided by G
I n I give Love n laugh at the Childsplay eYe see
for simply through me Believing in it, God wills it so,

"Thy Will Be Done"


Goddess tells me that
this is is the Golden season, 
where-after She urges me further
to go ahead n Plant new seeds of ideas,
growing a Poets way in Rhyming the Reason

Also, She includes
for me to make way
with “won’t” n “can’t do’s”
since they're a bit useless to say
Last time I checked we all lived in Eden
and there’s no apple eating to change that
This here Tree of Life 
is our protector and support
Forever Reborn, more apples will arise
and disconnection happens on ones own accord
reconnect and reflect on this most Sacred of bonds
Know for a fact, that Life is an act, made from and out of Divine Love
Gaea comforts me one on one 
that all is supplied n multiplied on demand
More than one I could possibly be needing:
4 1 single seed can give rise 2 generations of plants
This wind
god my Back
Thrusting forth
Love Sublime
A wind of Sol.
Soul Strong
it resurrects
Every other me of I

Silence of Gold
Unspoken M I
Divine by mould

to Shine
to Shine
as is every other in we B
as is every other in we B

By this Breath o' life that's blowing
a fresh new air breezes on the streets, 
bringing a new way of looking&knowing
especially into those tight corners of mind 
deprogrammed brains which prohibit I's to See

Honest words
Speak no lies n
R Truth unto any I that seas
though due their sword-like nature
All those S-words of Truth 
tend 2 cut down 2 da meat of it
and to some, that fact, combined with 
the overall gist of it might hurt or sting a lil’

some Ruffled feathers
n here n there a *bleep*
Still, Truth continues onwards 
through the vehicle of speech
and than again, some listeners
recompose n find ways
2 rebalance da Energies
releasing the sword's tension
Dear Goddess,
May all I's see
da Heavenizement unfold

Like a peeling of layers
This core Truth is Gold


Pheal da winds
of inner knowing
Crystallize Da Angel I B

Growing n Sowing
vast Seas of Peace

My Soul makes closed doors open
New ways venture free, knock knock, who is it?

Inner connections R being made quite naturally

maandag 1 april 2013

Our Mothern Path

Love’s Sprouting
Thee’s IAM Seeds
N Truth’s fragrant Flowers
come out of the woodwork
making eYes sees life like a big trap

Bot I’s
rest assured
4while I’s might B caged,
I ain’t no rat, dats furr sure

So what!
cast Iron bars,
I ain’t fat, I can endure,

it’s the golden shackles,
ball and chain what keeps
I back

'Cause of
what’s surely 
degenerative and lagging 
in any possible further progress 
4us as a species

What did our Mother
Earth do to deserve that?
Our “modern” ways of living,
better snap out of that act fast
I’m sure there’s a purer way2B man
1For us all to coexist in n B as Hu-man is

We art as a Family
inherently @ our best
when we act together
in tactical formations
Knowing inside of us
lies da Cure, whereat 
Peace is found
With&in Patience

True dat!

I 41 M done
skinny dipping
in da material ocean
n Strive 2 have Heaven
return back again on dis plain of existence
n no of a whole Family that’ll back me up on dat

A Mothern Day of Living

B Loved

zaterdag 30 maart 2013

Travel in g 2 return in g

Da moment
has arrived

At long last
all dat waiting
Reveals da True Light
a Souls
has found
da proper outlet
by which to express
all those words n sounds
dat, give a suitable explanation n text
to the enigmatic inner workings of this
ongoing ransack-awareness-siege of I,
a’happening in I


Dis unmasked villain is most keen, derides any treatments or chill-pills,
givin’ an overall bad vibe, Two me, myself n I ryt there on da scene,
furthermore has it disguised itself within me, with me in between
n dares not to step forward, or walk hand in hand with a new me,
to a more complete n holistic version dat we might B come
n become called a Homo Luminous or Homo Universalis
 so dat we could go together as we please n fly into da ever
increasing inner dimensions of Light
Dis comes from its habit to
B living amongst da Shadows
Hiding even amongst the most wise
Nice n settled in their fancy inner worlds,
It builds itself a cocoon as it’s lust n desire grow
like a infectious chrysalis of da dark moth of Dull Matter
Ryt there, in Ur tree, can’t You tell or C, what is a foot in thee?
perhaps you’d better close Your eyelids to make eYe really see…
Instead of relying on da somewhat limited, physical sight of material 3D


The Root is firm, strong n goes deep
so even when this superficial corruption
infiltrates heavy into the inner I of my I-ness,
with tentacles entwined up to 6ft. deep in my nerve centres
da Darkness of all da Heartless, unsought n -fought Demons touch
will not hook itself in my flesh or bone,
claw, line n sinker

No sireee

For I’ve caught a break n insight
              by realising dat ultimately
                            this stain is in fact
                                     an important
                                          part of self,
                                                    in itself,
Dark n Light
n choose 2 decide
wot comes of me, of I

Aye !!

Tonight’s da night
all Dreams are shattered
leaving only Reality behind
standing tall and sound through 
the ever unspoken word of tongue
as felt allthroughout, realms of Light n Sound

Wrong n Right R then left there to decide
Where its being comes undone
Inside the insights of eYe
Silent Words Still
clamour on
~.....~ ~.....~ ~.....~ ~.....~ ~.....~

Fortunate winds blow 4th new fragrances n along ride answers within it's breeze, 
this is da change of ages n will B really messing up da weather forecasts
of dat impersonating badman of this indoctri-nation

Soul let me tell ya, da real good news, no-one on TV ever talks about, 
and tho some might not believe it, it is going on this moment
this instant, it serves U from within U, ryt now

endlessly it's flowing from end2beginning,
I call it a common You-niversal ground
wherein a reawakened Heart's beating,
relaxing in da Rhythm She had found
1 dat does not forfeit, so easily..

eYe C Hu-man-E.T waking up slowly bot surely, 
inside out, unwrapping da Truest Potential,
4 peeps R reaching new levels of Purity
as I is being prepared 2 astound
many more of your me's...

So I say this: All bets are off, no more fakeness n lets face it
da horrendous gamble o’human lives has reached its limit
 Sound fammiliar? "There are some things money can't buy. 
For everything else there's Mastercard" 

Yeah ryt, da Mastercard of these self appointed rulers
is maxed out 2da limit n will have a heck of a Hang-
over when da man with da hammer comes
around n then again on da rebound 
as da final blow hits 'em, 
dis Divine check balance
will not B tempered with
dats a given!

For dis Truth of Angel-mouths
Is Found on da most Holy of Holies
Our Sacred Mother EA Sophia grounds
Just plant ya ear on Her 2hear da words of Peace

Love goes on Forever more
Cause Love goes on Forever n ever
n even or especially when unannounced,
Internally and Eternally Love's strength gathers
Her Deserved dominion n proprietorship over our inner-lands

As to further inspire n imbue
all previous Silent mediums
with a Love lesson of
dat oh so majickal
Vibration of now

And if there be
any other possible
fertile pasture grounds

Those will become enhanced too
with the magic manure of da ding-dang-Dong
dats coming from The Sacred Truthful Cow, which is
Dumping Moist fuming piles of True-Dat-Dung all around

Its arguably likeable odour
will Penetrate even the nostrils
of those who could not smell B4
n finally it may get thru to their thick skulls
that we R currently living somewhat in Hell
If we dont Heaven da F* up and start living
from the most inner Sacred Sanctum of Heart
Ringz a bell ?

Seems like even the Walls of false
Protection R crumbling now too,
Fall n eventually come down
2Go down in Love of the1

That's no biggie, these walls
of false protection were build
by our diligent caretakers in da 1st place,
n dat in a time where Humanity was deemed unfit
to tie their own shoe laces, let alone walk a mile or 7 billion in it n fit it…

Well, SoulHeartedly I say:

No more of that

I can handle my own 

very well, thanQ very much...

ThanQ So much 4 all da help, I pheal it is time now
for me 2 start a new way of living as I have 2B
independent n break free from your illusory
spell of captivity, I need no more
dis-tractive puppet shows
n no very well how
curtains close
End by picking up dat pace
We'll face our Destiny S Humanity
together through da integration of dark n light
while I n I acknowledge both sides of da medallion

it is Inside da I-side where I n I refines da balance
of our innate capacity of HUMANE SANITY, Bless-sings

Listen closely
Amidst the rubble
Truth, blows all the
Smoke n mirrors away

Whispering softly to all of me


…Tonight IS dat night of the day
where tomorrows reality
Will shatter all that is or is not,
left of the dream
of today

Will shatter all that was or was not
Dreamt by me on that day

Will shatter all that becomes and becomes not
Of the Dreams that I make

Shattered asunder
For Love’s law
Walks along
sensible lines

Da Tiptoe of Divine Love,
will dance us all into Wonder…..

“Will You join with it and me?”
I hear The voice still softly verbalize

“Will you join us, in…
walking the walk on
a narrow road
leading 2 G-d
more n more

Talking that talk
about open doors
butchering any taboos
and make good use
of da silence,

Strapped with boots of Truth
on the well paved road into Now?"

Soaked in the highly inflammable
Petrol fuel of the True Light, I vow…
To Leave tomorrow and today behind
N Dream the boundless dream of now
More and more vividly than any feasible
Explicable explanation could possibly convey


Walk with me from DAT Light
of the memorable thought of Tonight
as to venture deeper into the experience
where I Humbly Thank the Shadow dead
has provided me with the necessary triggers
2 best conduce n induce development of Growth

It is ma Souls Part of the plan
that I n I has made agreements
two come to turns with the better
Half of I n I whilst holding hands
With that suppressed part of Heart
Where Daimonion is rightfully innerstood
Dat is da Voice of Heart
that talks to those who listen
N hear it Speak…

zaterdag 23 maart 2013

Window to Sea

Something Soul Ancient
is very much alive today

it remains ever patient
for an I to awake

it is pure undiluted n Sacred
when found in the stillness space

It is da Sol of us all
driftin' soiled Sea

Soul Radiant
for All to See

Sparked by Dark
Shrouded in Mystery

Sparkling Stardust
Is Rebirthed by Ea
In a Heartbeat
True Art of We

Bounces back
as by naturally

it is da Cycles turn
to return back to see
..... ..... ..... .....
all dat eYe lost
while I sought
da Air I Sea

In da Journey I
Calm down n
Breathe in 
a Wondered off
Wonder of

donderdag 14 maart 2013

True Goddess with Love

May this elixir of Truth
Find it’s way through the proper channels
To heal all lost parts of you
And piece it all to come together
like a broken mirror reflecting
All different views on that what is
Imaging our current collective consciousness
As a divided humanity, blind to the factual business
It is Going on right before our noses, 
and felt like drum beating
within our beings
Face it ,
we are all lying on the same floor Together 
mirroring our own piece of ceiling
Let’s find it in our heart of hearts to gather 
and fix this Lingering false ego infection
I know We can beat this
Let’s agree we’re all in resurrection
From the most darkest slumber of sleep
and this perfect panacea of poetry
knows exactly how to deal with that

Healing all of U’s n I’s  /  layers n layers deep
By allowing all the captured minds
To realign with heart n break free
Bypassing all logic of life inside
Soul Smooth n Effortlessly
This is it’s flow in motion now , 
Right there 
can U C ?

It is rendering all walls of unawareness to become obsolete
See how also fluidly large quantities of Fear 
Are transmuted by Love, beating
Welcome in the New here
For by this here, a feeling 
of togetherness with Goddess 
in our Hearts

I n I 
Our Dear Goddess purest emotion of love
Allows Her to come even more within 

healing and easing every long lost Heart
and body soul relationship
this inner relation is Soul ancient
and starts to make a lot more sense
Our hearts pump blood
To have us all become aware and awakened
Beat by beat all life shall see 
its consciousness that’s Sacred

Like they say,
We are the Ones for who we’ve waited
So without further ado, this one talking
Finds its time to Bless all 1s at once
With a Heart filled Prayer
Dear Goddess please help us to forgive us
For all we’ve done to You, each other and ourselves
The Human family is largely unaware
of Your undying Love for us,
 So please never cease to talk, 
amaze and give us Your Love

Please give us strength faith and guidance
To come undone, to be one and to bond
In inner alignment, with all Your wishes
for us
May we all be together in kindred spirits
and healed by Your embrace of Love.

woensdag 20 februari 2013

Dear D.....

Dear Goddess,
Thank You 4 taking such good care of us.
You are literally my lifes air. If it wasn't 4 Your Divine Mercy,
I would've suffocated long long ago.
Not to forget all the nourishments
and other sustenance's U provide

It is all thanks 2 You that I'm able 2 integrate
all the different aspects of self, from to the lower 1s 2 the higher 1s.
You're the 1 2 thank 4 all that I've learned on Your school of skin.

Pun intended there, since I'm made flesh by Your generosity.
You've lend me Your substance so that my Soul could embody in between realms.

4 as I've come 2 know, my head is literally connected 2 the Heavens,
whilst my feet are firmly rooted on and in, an energetic network
of Vibrating Love frequencies.

Integrating both into One, in my Heart of Hearts,
I will surely stand tall through any storm as stalwart like a tree.
Standing unwaveringly with roots firmly planted in the soil n branches that reach the ether.
Reaching upward 2 heaven chance at branching out into a leavely filled bouquet of sky.

Like bubbles of Bliss that breach loud from out of the dark dirt
into an enlightening ether, the symphony is alive n breathing
and from an empty material shell it comes into a place
which is a space filled Spirit,
fully intune with the Divine realm
This final frontier is in actuality our very first foundational interface, the Kingdom within!

SeaMy Fire Allreddy Wontya !?

As eYe drink
of da Waters of Atlantis
I foresea a returning of dat
Atta lant is...

I drink of waters of renewal
to replenish my Souls thirst
da Soul is ever fresh n youthfull
No matter how many births

Each letter is destined to Die
n be Reborn at another setting
to fulfil da Coast line
with a new heading
 back Offcourse.. 
n on course 
of course
There it is
dat inner place
where no one else comes
bot U, I n eYe
when close-eyed
prayers R hurd

there we are all one,
safe n Sound with da Divine
never far away,
there I hold U
n U hold May

it's as close as a Heartbeat,
Tiamat is Sophia-ing it up
as Gaea spices it up a bunch
with the Down to Earth basics
Earth school won oh won

The Teacher
is ryt hear
Forever in sight
a Radiant inner Sun
Guiding within each line
Language is da B there
Seek ye there
n a Senseon
will nock 
on ya 

Being Shaped into a diff mould
will not make dis game grow old
I n I Sea now da Crest of Da Wave
as an inner Fibbonacci Swirl
There is remodelled da seaquence
of events dat art 'bout 2 unfold

Look closely n Sea
how this reveals
an other state of being
in so doing re-veiling a new one

a different multidimensionally layered 1