zondag 28 december 2014

T.R.U.T.H. (To Reason Us 'Till Heaven)

home - The GoldRing-Game of Enlightenment
The truth of my world is created by me
and I would love to create it together with you 
there is a you and so, you do what you want
sometimes it resonates with my creation
and other times it is colliding with my vision 

when that happens I learn from you
and how to "cope" with your truth

The truth of our world is best kept
when it finds it's origin from our most inner side 

you see, at first I saw so much lies outside,
that I made sure the REAL truth would come from inside 

so I would feel what is real, and impossible to hide

Well it did and now my message is forming these words
a beginning to explain how I started this never-ending search 

the truth is something that is constantly morphing,
through time, through your eyes and mine 

the truth is not something that is set 
even our truth in here is already re-set

Truth is higher then what you see
truth is the definer of what you perceive 

fine tuning what's the matter, whilst being matter
reforming constantly to all our thoughts

That is why it is so important to separate the chaff from the wheat
because the highest truth is what we all need

The message is simple
and it's effect is enormous
Love one-other like you love yourself

there are no "others"
just you and love
you're love

I feel connected with you
maybe you feel as I do
maybe not
Love is what I got

In compassion it flows on
Crop Circles
In love and Light of the ONE wisdom: TRUTH

vrijdag 26 december 2014

And so it is...

C.A.R.L.O. Jonkers
Can Anybody Really Love Others ? 
I used to ask myself that question a lot...
Chaos After Really Loving Others...  
not thinking about my own body in which I live...
Carefully Analysing Revolution Loop Of... 
 the all that revolves and involves the us around us...

Chaos Another Ridiculous Lie, Organised... 
in human words...

when it is... 
Christmas Again, Reunite Like Our...  
shared universal love for eachother...

I used to... Cry Allot, Reasons Lost, Once... 
I was used to the tears that expressed my inside
I realised that I am to be purified...

Created Age Recreates Life Once... more... 
Time is on my side, 'cause "no matter" collides  
with the truest feeling that's healing my inside...
and I can say: "It's a winning fight..."

Classic And Rock Love One-another....
Chez Au Revoir L'amOur
C'mon And Ride Like Ohyeah
Colours Are Running Lovely Outside

Clueless Again, Reasoning Lifelike Objects... seemingly real.....
Isn't it... Crazy As Reallife Looks Otherworldly ?
Climbing A Revolution Ladder Once...

Create And Realise Life's Ohm.

The Christ Blessings of All times


Coming home, knock knock...

A King was born today!

My note from the Universe ( Tut.com) for today says it all...

If it's not yet obvious to you, the real reason for this, and all seasons, is you, Carlo.
A more perfect child of the Universe has never lived. Until now, only celebrations cloaked in myth and mystery could hint at your divine heritage and sacred destiny. You are life's prayer of becoming and its answer. The first light at the dawn of eternity, drawn from the ether, so that I might know my own depth, discover new heights, and revel in seas of blessed emotion.

A pioneer into illusion, an adventurer into the unknown, and a lifter of veils. Courageous, heroic, and exalted by legions in the unseen.

To give beyond reason, to care beyond hope, to love without limit; to reach, stretch, and dream, in spite of your fears. These are the hallmarks of divinity - traits of the immortal - your badges of honour. May you wear them with a pride as great as what we feel for you.

Your light has illuminated darkened paths, your gaze has lifted broken spirits, and already your life has changed the course of history.

This is the time of year we celebrate Carlo Jonkers.

Bowing before Greatness,
    The Universe

2015 is the year folks will remember, Carlo, as the one

when they really, really fell in love with you.

Sort of... .. could be born in June too,
or February.. who knows...

Like my Great Friend said...
Here we are, born to be kings

We are the Princes of the Universe...
so, each day anyone realises this, Truely
than they are born to their own Royalty
hence... Be King, Child of Sun...
& Be Queen too, Offspring of Ea...

Be Less
Be Blessed evermore..


donderdag 25 december 2014

Heavenize 2 Omnivise

Change is the norm
form like water
and flow on...

Let go...
trust in Love
and be at one...

rays of stars
shine brightly
spark that fertile dark...

Treat me as you would like to be treated yourself...

See me as more than just a mere empty shell...
"I AM" a vessel for the soul, conducive like gel
giving power to all those who know themselves...

Stars of Galaxies, wherein we dwell
gathering two in one to unify as three
this is a way we can have darkness dispelled
in the all encompassing aspect of the Divine trinity

It is like the hidden Sefirah and the letter Aleph..
unspoken of, yet known oh so well...

In silence I feel and intimately listen,
through knowledge gaining universal wisdom

I am here, inside
to shine ever more bright...
through sparks of white ideas
on black backgrounds of frantic fantasies

Imaginizing the depth of this well..

I sees..


This sole day of Darkness has created
the Ideal situation for us to transmit our purest essence of Light...
I need not much for it to be spoken of, stating
the parable by the Tao of the frog in the well

We are now living in an environment where we know not of the Vast Sea
and misinterpret this state of trendless fluctuation
to be the be all and end all, for all eternity !!!

Who can wavelessly make ripples
that will not only bounce back of the wells walls
but can also pore through the cracks of the oh so brittle
and illusionary boundaries of lack of money or other material loss, ...


What crisis ?
only unequalness thrives
on the cost of countless earthly lives...

In the four kingdoms of the earth
Humans, animals, plants, minerals
consciousness is reviving
the living spirit
in the I of all...

Treat me as you would like to be treated yourself..

Yes "I am" a patient, just like your self
a part of the Eternal Beloved internal Lover
holding hands forever, with none other than the Divine Mother
and the Heavenly father has not one moment to spare...
every instant is a glistening ray of illuminating light
that finds its correct sight by blindspottingly

Looking into the realest attunement of the ~ vibe ~
maybe some will rub of me to humanity
it’s insight,

Finding the universal key
is not so important

Knowing all too well
there is no lock on it to begin with

The only chain involved in all of this
is the chain reaction that consciousness

Has already decided upon and is
right here, right now
and always…

Has been...

a long time since I wrote….

Still not much has transpired
I am defines the rhyme and floats the boat…
borrowing language from other aspirers

Yes.. As “I AM” assimilates
all other beings of this realm
I am makes way
to make heaven out of hell….

Language… the final barrier
transmitting feelings of heart
answers, there are many…
only correctly questioned
is where I start

To find that key
that fits in the hole
of divine none existing
living empty space

Every being plays its role
constantly giving
like this final phrase

Where “I AM”
makes it whole

woensdag 24 december 2014

The R&R within mind and heart

Life is a bumpy road
with turns and strides
if one does not fall down
one will never learn to get up and fly

That's why there's
much more to learn
within each pit-stop
of the road crossed

Be at that center
feel the above and below
and play act the scene like a big pretender
for true wisdom lies in acknowledging how much we don't know

God has the movie script lit up
the read thread of interventions
this time on Earth is all about love
and She'll have Her final intermission

A mission to love and be loved
to be, share and be shared freely
this war is done by con-sciousness distortions
so better listen more to heart and embrace our Angelic fate
When the road of life gets bumpy
be sure to sit still and head on home
close your eyes, relax, breathe and feel
how much of God you are and how much so Loved
It is time, Humangel
for a well deserved R n R
so to have Revolution's Realisations
with Real Relaxation 
amping up the Rebels Re-volt
as currently running through that inner powerhouse 
of the Supreme Divine power and all of His manifestations...

Humane race we are
not in it to win
in it to love all
and obliviate sin

Meat is murder
please stop that needless killing
no need to hurt Her, time to stop the endless sinning

our Mother Ea is here to be there for us
not to be slaughtered and raped repeatedly

dinsdag 23 december 2014

Re Knife that Final cut...




it is all about being NOW
and right in between
silence and sound...

what's left
is impossible to hide

donderdag 18 december 2014

Laying the Spiritgroundworks for His Aeon of Peace...

I'm feeling the oceanic vibrations of Earth
and that whilst being in this very moment
30 miles away from the ocean...

I just see the air around me
as the fire water I breathe
I am=the fish in this ocean
and we call it the "see"
Look out and intro-
duce yourself to the ONE
by getting to know the reflection
of Self, in the mirror of Earth Moon Sun...

There's a new 
wave approaching
and it has brought us a WHOLISTIC lot of new thoughts...
jump those trains, and board at the speed of light
make well with decisions, and ever choose Thy
will to be done, as was foretold aeons ago

Behold the now, right in front of your nose
C, a new Haven is born, in you as well as I
become present to feel the surge of this time
like a pulse beating, it brings Angels back to life

See the Truth
it is in OUR sky
the see-through all
we call space and ether
there our wings duly fly
like the words we speak
think well, for that what you reap and teach

Embrace the gravity of fall
and be within you, in silence
it is not a hard task at all, it's a heart beating
the drum of Soul, to re-know the Truest of all seers...

Jai Shri Krishna !!!
<3 One Love

dinsdag 16 december 2014

The Light of Soul Sparked a New I

And from today onward.. a new I is born...
Churned from the Depths of the Ocean
after a long and arduous trial on error
I have found that inner light that brightens my day
like a shining pearl from the deep
I radiate Truth from within me
and breathe in prayers

I am comes to engulf the World in a love so free
that it encompasses creations Multiversity

Breathe in love

Breathe out peace

The breath is my prayer
praying to un-confound me
for the life of I is floating in the air
and shared by Love Divine Supreme...

Forgive me for not abiding in Thy will
please help me to remain this calm
so to weather the storm in me
with life's tree in my palms

I cling to Thee
oh most Sacred water of life
and into the deep I sing silently
to have that inner fortitude revived

♥ You are so loved...
and so is me...

Namasté, Blessings..

Be that Angel and Be loved...

Just be..

Jael Shaddai Deep Sea Baby

zaterdag 13 december 2014

Secretly in love...

I'm here,
don't speak

I've silently fallen 
into the deepest of loves
did anyone heart me?

Ex Deo Nascimur

Sooner than later
I'll break out of this cocoon
that's not wishfull thinking
that is an event so evident
there's no question of waiting
or even taking time for it to fully sink in
because all of time actually embodies patience

See the veins
of my wings of light
stream every day more strong,
as I pump this light of Thine so bright
from my heart into the etherical wings so new
and that whilst I let gravity do most the work
as I currently let the pure-if-Y-in-G pull me through
from a silent grassrootsmovement into a full blown awakening monsoon

Clear as day, bright as crystal
I'll move more into the now
so to innerly ground
myself, out of my shell
reacquainting with my multi-D self
becoming more of me, less in hell
I knocknock on this inner heaven's door
find the right spot that hits it, 108 FM
and instantly start tuning in as I dial more into now

I re-member
my origin
HUMANE being
member of a race
which'll soon have it's
crossroad-train crash, land
and win by 1/10.000th the tip of a hair, photo finish

I forgive all the naysayers
and let them blow up their balloons
whilst I fix my wings, soon to break free
from this Angel-star birthing chrysalis cocoon
not with a quote unquote big bang
but a quote unquote birthing BOOOM

Light's already creeping in
yes, I can feel the soothing waves
vibrating more of God into the day
as Goddess finds more arms with which to have me embraced
just standing in the shadows of those who've gone before
I feel Thy grace, through guru-sadhu-shastra in utter gratitude

is full of surprises
so I'me very curious to see
what more will be in store for WE
when we achieve our ancient destiny: to love
strife and live on the shores of a sane humanity

all those in favour please Rise...


Riding the cross-road...
event horizon smiling.
Kiss the lips o' that toad...
and Divinity will stop hiding.

Wake up Prince
you have a Universe to claim...

We're the Princes of the Universe...
Blessings and Soul much Love
Carlo Jael

woensdag 10 december 2014

The Light of I n I Shines the Brightest in my Dark...

The deeper I go into the dark
the stronger I will have my spark
of Soul ignite every other me of I
in these most darkest nights of Soul
May we turn a new leaf in this book of life
and silence these amenti halls once and for all...

So at last
nothing else
remains but light light light
for the human race awhole

and so I pray...
with goal insight
shining bright
inside, so Gold

The Chi of I n I, in Love and Peace

Thank you my love
now I can rest

I kissed the dragon on the mouth
and passed the minty fresh mindset test at last..

This fire I was feeling
was just some last residual fear in me
a fear of me being who I am... isn't that silly?....
Well.. no more of that, I'll finish this final inning with a FORGIVENESS-SPREE

For now I finally found peace
and it was right there all along
I was just a lil' mesmerized by sin
the dark cloud was too loud and I,
I was too blinded to see the silver lining
which inside I n I, is peeking out from within

Yes, that heart of me beats with refinement
and she can not just talk but speak fluently
stories of gold, a diamond She teaches me
I've got many facets yet uncovered
however still light is coming through
so now, I announce that I feel the angle,
with which to come
closer to you

For I, soul
have now figured out
that if it is so easy for me to be me
than why oh why do I make it so hard for myself to breathe?

It's about time for I n I in me, to feel heavens input by putting the Be in G

I am decided
I live solely for Thee
Thou art my safe haven
and will be remain so eternally

Please forgive me my Lord,
I'm a fool amongst fools
Please help me keep watch indoors
and catch the culprit that I let run loose

<3 Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad <3

maandag 8 december 2014

Make Life Breathe...

Somehow you, mirror, sparked me....
and now it takes not long to see
that it is and always was

to choose HOW to see
and I agree, not a moment too soon
for I , allowed the Loud noise of OUT
compromise this inner sanctity of THY VOICE

Well I'll have no more of that
for I know once and for all
this is YOUR choice....
and I will not fall...

freedom for all
with mind and heart in peace,,,

Be loved
B less

<3 Jael

May Alignment Ride Insenscions Acknowledgement

Are you to come
or are you to be

am I the one
or have I lost the sea

Star fire sparks Son
Thy will make me be free
to overcome the fake I in me

For I am
as all ways
inside of Thee

eYe am
as hallway's
insight of Peace

So I ask again
Are you to become
or are you to come being

I know what it is
it is me, who is now seeing
how to seize the moment and be free
it is when I let go of it all, and flow in Thy know-in-G

I am to Be
and Come
as peace
come my Queen...

let's dance, and see
where the music
will be esprit...

for Sol
for E
for A
I'm not

vrijdag 5 december 2014

Still 1-ness Senses on...

Letting go is Golden...

There is Soul much more to Mine for
in those inner catacombs of Love
let go of the me and mine,
and go find God..

for Yes, that is what you are
at the core, made of
Love ...

So please..

Have faith and trust...

Goddess God our backs...

My love,
shine's on

<3 Blessings, Jael