zondag 28 december 2014

T.R.U.T.H. (To Reason Us 'Till Heaven)

home - The GoldRing-Game of Enlightenment
The truth of my world is created by me
and I would love to create it together with you 
there is a you and so, you do what you want
sometimes it resonates with my creation
and other times it is colliding with my vision 

when that happens I learn from you
and how to "cope" with your truth

The truth of our world is best kept
when it finds it's origin from our most inner side 

you see, at first I saw so much lies outside,
that I made sure the REAL truth would come from inside 

so I would feel what is real, and impossible to hide

Well it did and now my message is forming these words
a beginning to explain how I started this never-ending search 

the truth is something that is constantly morphing,
through time, through your eyes and mine 

the truth is not something that is set 
even our truth in here is already re-set

Truth is higher then what you see
truth is the definer of what you perceive 

fine tuning what's the matter, whilst being matter
reforming constantly to all our thoughts

That is why it is so important to separate the chaff from the wheat
because the highest truth is what we all need

The message is simple
and it's effect is enormous
Love one-other like you love yourself

there are no "others"
just you and love
you're love

I feel connected with you
maybe you feel as I do
maybe not
Love is what I got

In compassion it flows on
Crop Circles
In love and Light of the ONE wisdom: TRUTH

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