woensdag 24 december 2014

The R&R within mind and heart

Life is a bumpy road
with turns and strides
if one does not fall down
one will never learn to get up and fly

That's why there's
much more to learn
within each pit-stop
of the road crossed

Be at that center
feel the above and below
and play act the scene like a big pretender
for true wisdom lies in acknowledging how much we don't know

God has the movie script lit up
the read thread of interventions
this time on Earth is all about love
and She'll have Her final intermission

A mission to love and be loved
to be, share and be shared freely
this war is done by con-sciousness distortions
so better listen more to heart and embrace our Angelic fate
When the road of life gets bumpy
be sure to sit still and head on home
close your eyes, relax, breathe and feel
how much of God you are and how much so Loved
It is time, Humangel
for a well deserved R n R
so to have Revolution's Realisations
with Real Relaxation 
amping up the Rebels Re-volt
as currently running through that inner powerhouse 
of the Supreme Divine power and all of His manifestations...

Humane race we are
not in it to win
in it to love all
and obliviate sin

Meat is murder
please stop that needless killing
no need to hurt Her, time to stop the endless sinning

our Mother Ea is here to be there for us
not to be slaughtered and raped repeatedly

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