donderdag 18 december 2014

Laying the Spiritgroundworks for His Aeon of Peace...

I'm feeling the oceanic vibrations of Earth
and that whilst being in this very moment
30 miles away from the ocean...

I just see the air around me
as the fire water I breathe
I am=the fish in this ocean
and we call it the "see"
Look out and intro-
duce yourself to the ONE
by getting to know the reflection
of Self, in the mirror of Earth Moon Sun...

There's a new 
wave approaching
and it has brought us a WHOLISTIC lot of new thoughts...
jump those trains, and board at the speed of light
make well with decisions, and ever choose Thy
will to be done, as was foretold aeons ago

Behold the now, right in front of your nose
C, a new Haven is born, in you as well as I
become present to feel the surge of this time
like a pulse beating, it brings Angels back to life

See the Truth
it is in OUR sky
the see-through all
we call space and ether
there our wings duly fly
like the words we speak
think well, for that what you reap and teach

Embrace the gravity of fall
and be within you, in silence
it is not a hard task at all, it's a heart beating
the drum of Soul, to re-know the Truest of all seers...

Jai Shri Krishna !!!
<3 One Love

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