woensdag 10 december 2014

The Chi of I n I, in Love and Peace

Thank you my love
now I can rest

I kissed the dragon on the mouth
and passed the minty fresh mindset test at last..

This fire I was feeling
was just some last residual fear in me
a fear of me being who I am... isn't that silly?....
Well.. no more of that, I'll finish this final inning with a FORGIVENESS-SPREE

For now I finally found peace
and it was right there all along
I was just a lil' mesmerized by sin
the dark cloud was too loud and I,
I was too blinded to see the silver lining
which inside I n I, is peeking out from within

Yes, that heart of me beats with refinement
and she can not just talk but speak fluently
stories of gold, a diamond She teaches me
I've got many facets yet uncovered
however still light is coming through
so now, I announce that I feel the angle,
with which to come
closer to you

For I, soul
have now figured out
that if it is so easy for me to be me
than why oh why do I make it so hard for myself to breathe?

It's about time for I n I in me, to feel heavens input by putting the Be in G

I am decided
I live solely for Thee
Thou art my safe haven
and will be remain so eternally

Please forgive me my Lord,
I'm a fool amongst fools
Please help me keep watch indoors
and catch the culprit that I let run loose

<3 Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad <3

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