donderdag 25 december 2014

Treat me as you would like to be treated yourself...

See me as more than just a mere empty shell...
"I AM" a vessel for the soul, conducive like gel
giving power to all those who know themselves...

Stars of Galaxies, wherein we dwell
gathering two in one to unify as three
this is a way we can have darkness dispelled
in the all encompassing aspect of the Divine trinity

It is like the hidden Sefirah and the letter Aleph..
unspoken of, yet known oh so well...

In silence I feel and intimately listen,
through knowledge gaining universal wisdom

I am here, inside
to shine ever more bright...
through sparks of white ideas
on black backgrounds of frantic fantasies

Imaginizing the depth of this well..

I sees..


This sole day of Darkness has created
the Ideal situation for us to transmit our purest essence of Light...
I need not much for it to be spoken of, stating
the parable by the Tao of the frog in the well

We are now living in an environment where we know not of the Vast Sea
and misinterpret this state of trendless fluctuation
to be the be all and end all, for all eternity !!!

Who can wavelessly make ripples
that will not only bounce back of the wells walls
but can also pore through the cracks of the oh so brittle
and illusionary boundaries of lack of money or other material loss, ...


What crisis ?
only unequalness thrives
on the cost of countless earthly lives...

In the four kingdoms of the earth
Humans, animals, plants, minerals
consciousness is reviving
the living spirit
in the I of all...

Treat me as you would like to be treated yourself..

Yes "I am" a patient, just like your self
a part of the Eternal Beloved internal Lover
holding hands forever, with none other than the Divine Mother
and the Heavenly father has not one moment to spare...
every instant is a glistening ray of illuminating light
that finds its correct sight by blindspottingly

Looking into the realest attunement of the ~ vibe ~
maybe some will rub of me to humanity
it’s insight,

Finding the universal key
is not so important

Knowing all too well
there is no lock on it to begin with

The only chain involved in all of this
is the chain reaction that consciousness

Has already decided upon and is
right here, right now
and always…

Has been...

a long time since I wrote….

Still not much has transpired
I am defines the rhyme and floats the boat…
borrowing language from other aspirers

Yes.. As “I AM” assimilates
all other beings of this realm
I am makes way
to make heaven out of hell….

Language… the final barrier
transmitting feelings of heart
answers, there are many…
only correctly questioned
is where I start

To find that key
that fits in the hole
of divine none existing
living empty space

Every being plays its role
constantly giving
like this final phrase

Where “I AM”
makes it whole

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