zaterdag 13 december 2014

Ex Deo Nascimur

Sooner than later
I'll break out of this cocoon
that's not wishfull thinking
that is an event so evident
there's no question of waiting
or even taking time for it to fully sink in
because all of time actually embodies patience

See the veins
of my wings of light
stream every day more strong,
as I pump this light of Thine so bright
from my heart into the etherical wings so new
and that whilst I let gravity do most the work
as I currently let the pure-if-Y-in-G pull me through
from a silent grassrootsmovement into a full blown awakening monsoon

Clear as day, bright as crystal
I'll move more into the now
so to innerly ground
myself, out of my shell
reacquainting with my multi-D self
becoming more of me, less in hell
I knocknock on this inner heaven's door
find the right spot that hits it, 108 FM
and instantly start tuning in as I dial more into now

I re-member
my origin
HUMANE being
member of a race
which'll soon have it's
crossroad-train crash, land
and win by 1/10.000th the tip of a hair, photo finish

I forgive all the naysayers
and let them blow up their balloons
whilst I fix my wings, soon to break free
from this Angel-star birthing chrysalis cocoon
not with a quote unquote big bang
but a quote unquote birthing BOOOM

Light's already creeping in
yes, I can feel the soothing waves
vibrating more of God into the day
as Goddess finds more arms with which to have me embraced
just standing in the shadows of those who've gone before
I feel Thy grace, through guru-sadhu-shastra in utter gratitude

is full of surprises
so I'me very curious to see
what more will be in store for WE
when we achieve our ancient destiny: to love
strife and live on the shores of a sane humanity

all those in favour please Rise...

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